Verbessere dein AK-47 Erlebnis mit dem ALG AKT Abzug ⚡! Sanfter, kürzerer Abzugsweg für Kampf und Heimverteidigung. Jetzt entdecken!
Top Takeaways
Der ALG AK Abzug bietet einen sanfteren und kürzeren Abzugsweg im Vergleich zum Standardabzug.
Er verfügt über einen einzigartigen Lightning Bow Abzugsbogen, der ein angenehmes Gefühl vermittelt.
Hergestellt aus S7 Werkzeugstahl mit einer Manganphosphat-Oberfläche, passt er für AK47 und AK74 halbautomatische Gewehre.
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.c
Art: Drop-In, Single-Hook, Semi-Auto
Hersteller/Modell: AK-47, AK-74
214.9CHFCHF 214.90
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 100017370
Herst.-Nr.: 05-326
854014005229 Der ALG AK Abzug ist ein einstufiger Abzug für die AK47 und AK74 Plattform. Der AKT wird aus S7 Werkzeugstahl gefertigt. Der AKT bietet einen sanfteren und kürzeren Abzugsweg als der Standardabzug und ist ideal für den Einsatz im Kampf und zur Selbstverteidigung. Er hat eine Manganphosphat-Oberfläche, die denselben Prozess wie bei den Standard-AK-Abzügen verwendet. Der ALG AK Abzug verfügt über einen einzigartigen Abzugsbogen, bekannt als der Lightning Bow, der dem Benutzer ein sehr angenehmes Gefühl im Vergleich zum Standardabzug vermittelt.
The ALG AK Trigger is a single stage trigger for the AK47and AK74 variant platform. The AKT is machined from S7 tool steel. The AKT features a smoother and shorter trigger pull than the stock trigger, and is ideal for combat and home defense use. It has a Manganese Phosphated finish and is the same process used on stock AK triggers. The ALG AK Trigger feature a unique trigger bow known as the Lightning Bow, which produces a very comfortable feel to the user over the stock trigger.
Der ALG AK Abzug ist ein einstufiger Abzug für die AK47 und AK74 Plattform. Der AKT wird aus S7 Werkzeugstahl gefertigt. Der AKT bietet einen sanfteren und kürzeren Abzugsweg als der Standardabzug und ist ideal für den Einsatz im Kampf und zur Selbstverteidigung. Er hat eine Manganphosphat-Oberfläche, die denselben Prozess wie bei den Standard-AK-Abzügen verwendet. Der ALG AK Abzug verfügt über einen einzigartigen Abzugsbogen, bekannt als der Lightning Bow, der dem Benutzer ein sehr angenehmes Gefühl im Vergleich zum Standardabzug vermittelt.
Top Takeaways
Der ALG AK Abzug bietet einen sanfteren und kürzeren Abzugsweg im Vergleich zum Standardabzug.
Er verfügt über einen einzigartigen Lightning Bow Abzugsbogen, der ein angenehmes Gefühl vermittelt.
Hergestellt aus S7 Werkzeugstahl mit einer Manganphosphat-Oberfläche, passt er für AK47 und AK74 halbautomatische Gewehre.
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.c
Kundenbewertungen (13)
4.2 / 5
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top 26.12.2020
put it in my ak74, fantastic trigger
Good Trigger definitely worth buying. 20.12.2017
I am very satisfied with this trigger. It eliminated the unpredictability of my stock trigger and the lightning bow shape definitely gives a nice feel to it. The only reason why I'm not giving 5* for this trigger is because the shape of the hammer is not according to AK-specifications. I've been informed by experienced gunsmiths to modify the hammer to remove the edge at the front of the hammer. Otherwise it could lead re-profiling of the bolt carrier.
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Great trigger for the AK 26.11.2016
Replaced stock with this trigger and the gun came to life!
It really made the gun a great shooter.
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Best trigger for serious shooters Ak47 03.07.2016
This is a fantastic trigger group. You may get a little trigger slap out of it if you're rapid firing but nothing to complain about. If you want to shorten your trigger pull and tighten your long range shots especially for 200+ yards this is the trigger for you. The staging of this trigger is great. If you want it to stage a little smoother give it a light polish in the proper spot but I just ran some rounds and it stages nicely. You can feel where the trigger is going to break witch is great but the pull and lash is so much shorter you can just tap it and hold your accuracy. I replaced a tapco G2 witch I hated as the trigger pull was incredibly long and completely unable to feel where the trigger would break. Long range shots at a quick rate with the G2 were sloppy if not impossible. I highly recommend this trigger. If you like trigger pull of an AR 15 or a glock trigger (although this is a little different) this trigger is for you. Love it can't say enough about it!!
Wenig empfehlenswert
I want to get off MR. BILL'S WILD RIDE 03.01.2016
I purchased this trigger for my Arsenal SLR107-51, and for the first time in four AK pattern firearms encountered fitment issues immediately upon beginning the installation. In this case the disconnector stop rivet was rubbing on the body of the trigger, which is a possibility noted by the instructions, and while it is a little presumptuous of ALG to expect the user to modify a rifle to fit their trigger instead of the other way around, I did end up lightly filing the side of this rivet to permit the trigger - which I ultimately needed to file also - to rock freely per the instructions.
Once the trigger rocked freely, I installed the safety lever and noticed gross travel in the trigger when it was in the safe position - enter the fitment roll pin. I don't engineer triggers for a living, perhaps for good reason, but a pin that should sit at a fixed depth and only be able to enter or exit its channel from one end seems like an excellent use case for a taper pin. Instead, an oversized roll pin must be driven into a device with no apparent hope of being chocked firmly in a vise.
With the roll pin driven in and filed to fit, the trigger now rocked freely in the receiver and was held firm by the safety lever in the safe position as prescribed. Reassembling the fire control group (without the use of a slave pin or bore sleeve - not necessary but would have been a nice touch given Tapco can include one for $20 less), the final result was a good but certainly not remarkable trigger.
It is definitely a better trigger than the Tapco FCG - the travel is shorter, and the break is more definite, but the reset feels grimy, which could improve with time and cleaning but as of now is nothing special. While the inconvenience of this amount of fitment is forgivable given the variance in AK dimensions, the tolerances this trigger operate in - many of which are dependent on fitment by the end user - do not inspire confidence that this product will perform safely and remain as assembled as the device it is installed in (a black metal tube of explosions that sits in the sun for hours at a time) is used and experiences cycles of thermal expansion and contraction.
The bottom line: it is a better trigger than the Tapco, but not superior enough to justify the price premium, and definitely not superior enough to justify the excessive fitment. Feeling it side by side with the G2 in my SLR101s, there is no doubt I will save my time and money in the future and purchase Tapco triggers for any new AKs.
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Great upgrade 23.11.2015
Purchased this for my saiga 12. Trigger isn't a drop in on this platform and was a bit more work than I expected to allow it to work. With that said its a big improvement over the tapco g2 I had before. Nice short pull and reset. I'm not the biggest fan of the "bow" shape but getting more used to it. NOTE: don't purchase this for saigas unless your a gunsmith or know what your doing so it functions in a same manner.
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Best ak trigger period. 25.10.2015
This is by far the best AK trigger you can get. It is smoother, lighter and has a shorter travel than any of my polished reprofiled tapco g2's. Don't pay any attention to the one guy that says it does not fit His I.O AK and his mini m92. First off the fact that he owns an I.O tells you all you need to know. As far as an m92, they come with a full auto safety selector. Either use the pin in the trigger kit or modify the stock safety selector to make a semi auto selector or get a semi auto selector. The krebs selector is a semi auto and thats what I use on all of my aks. Nothing wrong with the trigger other than user error.
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good trigger 23.10.2015
Good trigger at a fair price. Dropped right in my arsenal sagia, had to use the safety pin though and took more than a few passes of the file, I got out the grinder. Got it first try but they give you an extra pin if you mess up. Extra-fast reset, pull is a bit light for my tastes in a battle rifle. They say you can adjust pull weight by bending the main spring, but they included a small optional accessory spring retaining the trigger that supplements the pull by about a pound without any bending, which put it where I like it more (was getting doubles sometimes without it). Not a world of difference than the G2, but I like the shape and quicker reset. Would recommend a pin retaining plate to ease installation and get rid of that sheperds crook. Have fun!
Bedingt empfehlenswert
so - so, spend the extra $30 on red star 07.10.2015
Like other review stated itson par with tapco. I already have a red star arms/ grand masters adjustable trigger in my saiga 12 and another in my PSL. IDK if anything can beat those, Especially for the price. Polished the sear surfaces and breaks at three pounds even. Very smooth pull. I have the cheaper alg on my AR and I like it a lot. But this wasnt up to par. Btw the red star triggers require fitting as well. Don't expect to get around it from what I've seen.
Great product, just not quite perfect 26.09.2015
overall the trigger group went in to my wasr great and functions flawlessly. PITA to install. very short take up and re-set but still has an indistinct break like a tapco or other ak trigger. you don't really know when the gun will go off. 2lb trigger pull is awesome though. needs a SMALL notch milled in hammer to let the shooter know shot is about to break and itd be perfect. I am also getting some trigger slap I didn't get with tapco. o well, good enough for 1.5 groups at 100yds with WOLF. im happy.
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Best AK Trigger Under $75 24.09.2015
Have two of these: one on a home-built Bulgarian AK 74 (1mm receiver) and one on a VEPR "Slant Back" in 7.62x39.with a 1-1/2 mm RPK-style receiver. Fitting was minimal - both rifles required installation of the roll pin and minor filing of that pin to get the correct clearance for the safety. That's it. No big deal.
I like this trigger so well that I'm in the process of buying my third one, so that all of the AK's in my collection are fitted with AKT's.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Very Bad Fitment On Multiple AKs 05.08.2015
Did not fit my Arsenal AKs, I.O. AK, or Mini Draco 92 Pap. Trigger needs to filled down to allow bolt carrier to properly pass over trigger assembly and I was not going to hand file and refinish this trigger. Do ALOT of research online before buying this kit and attempting to install it in your AK. ALG was nil on support and all they could answer is that it fits "most" AKs. Not recommended. Get Tapco has about the same fit, finish and feel. Don't buy the hype of their "curved" trigger face. I own quite a few ALG products including their 6 second Glock mount and this is not on the same level of quality that ALG is know for.
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Crisp break and light 01.07.2015
Finally a real upgrade to your AK trigger. Light pull and a real crisp reliable break. Best AK trigger I have ever used. Watch the install video (28 min) and make sure that your safety functions properly. This is a must upgrade to any AK.
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Verbessere dein AK-47 Erlebnis mit dem ALG AKT Abzug ⚡! Sanfter, kürzerer Abzugsweg für Kampf und Heimverteidigung. Jetzt entdecken!
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Dieses Produkt unterliegt der Aufsicht der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und ist ausschliesslich für den Export in das Bestimmungsland zur Verwendung durch den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbraucher, der beim Kauf festgelegt wird, bestimmt. Dieses Produkt darf ohne vorherige Erlaubnis der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder einer autorisierten US-Behörde über den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbrauchers hinaus nicht wiederverkauft, übertragen, oder in einer anderen Weise in Drittländer oder an Dritte überlassen werden. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn die Artikel verbaut bzw. in einen anderen Artikel integriert wurde.
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Die verlängerte Sicherung ermöglicht eine einfachere Handhabung mit der Schuss-Hand.
Der Bolthaltenschnitz erlaubt es, den AK-Verschluss durch Halten des Ladegriffs nach hinten zu verriegeln.
Die wärmebehandelte einteilige Aussenkonstruktion hält wiederholtem Gebrauch stand.
Der KNS Precision AK Adjustable Gas Piston verbessert die Gasregelung deines AK-Gewehrs.
Wenn deine Hülsen mehr als 15 Fuss weit fliegen, ist es Zeit für dieses Upgrade.
Die Installation dauert nur 10 Minuten und erfordert keinen Büchsenmacher.
Der Raptor™ Ladehebel ist beidhändig und ermöglicht eine schnelle und flüssige Bewegung.
Hergestellt aus robustem 7075 Flugzeug-Aluminium und milspec eloxiert für hohe Langlebigkeit.
Ideal für schnelle Ladeoperationen, egal ob du die starke oder unterstützende Seite nutzt.