The Rubber City Armory Adjustable Gas Key enhances performance of low mass and standard mass GI systems without unnecessary disassembly. Gas flow is adjusted and maintained at the carrier with 2 set screws, one to adjust gas flow and one to lock it in place. Made from Pre-Hardened 4140: 28-32RC with radiused corners reducing sharp edges. 2 mounting bolts included.
SPECS: Made from Pre-Hardened 4140: 28-32RC.
Il Gas Key Regolabile della Rubber City Armory migliora le prestazioni dei sistemi GI a massa ridotta e standard senza la necessità di smontaggio. Il flusso di gas è regolato e mantenuto presso il carrier con 2 viti di regolazione, una per regolare il flusso di gas e una per bloccarlolo in posizione. Realizzato in 4140 pre-indurito: 28-32RC con angoli arrotondati che riducono i bordi taglienti. Inclusi 2 bulloni di montaggio.
SPECIFICHE: Realizzato in 4140 pre-indurito: 28-32RC.
Top takeaways
Il Gas Key Regolabile migliora le prestazioni dei sistemi GI a massa ridotta e standard senza necessità di smontaggio.
Il flusso di gas è regolato e mantenuto nel carrier con 2 viti di regolazione.
Realizzato in 4140 pre-indurito: 28-32RC con angoli arrotondati per ridurre i bordi appuntiti.
Tipo di arma:AR-15
Peso della spedizione:0.009kg
Altezza di spedizione:16mm
Larghezza di spedizione:57mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:102mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.x
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (3)
4.3 / 5
Assolutamente raccomandato
Excellent Product 31.07.2015
I ordered this product for my suppressed 16" 300blk. The first time I ordered the product, it arrived with the bag cut (where the parts are) and a small piece of tape to cover it. I was missing one mounting bolt and all of the set screws. I returned it (Brownells made it right in a hurry) and received the replacement. This one had all of the pieces. The finish of the part is done well and is smooth to the touch. There aren't any instructions on how to install it but it is pretty straightforward. I thoroughly degreased the parts and placed a thin layer of red Loctite around the gas port and set the key in place. I also used a small amount of red Loctite on the mounting screws and torqued them to 58 in/lbs. I then put a quick shot of air through the key to make sure the hole was clear and let it set up for 24 hours. I did not stake it, as I was not sure if I was going to like it.
After the Loctite was good and set up, I took the gun out to the range to see how it worked. I am shooting 110gr Varmageddons with 19.5gr of W296, at about 2400 ft/s (Carbine gas) and an AAC Cyclone suppressor. I started with the set screw all the way in the closed position and placed one round in the magazine and fired. To my surprise the case was ejected at about 3-4 o'clock and about 5 feet away. The bolt did not lock back. I tried this several more times with the same result so it doesn't appear that one would be able to shut the gas all the way with a supersonic load. Recoil was drastically reduced from how the gun ran previous, which would slam the bolt back hard and throw brass directly behind me and over 20 feet away.
I backed out the adjustment screw 1/2 a turn and repeated. Same ejection and recoil, no bolt lock back. Another 1/2 turn, and the bolt locked back. I backed the screw out another 1/4 turn and put the locking screw in on top of it (no Loctite). I then fired the weapon approximately 30 times and checked the set screws. There was 0 movement but time will tell whether I will need to put some blue Loctite on or not.
Overall this is a good product. It is easy to adjust and comes with one extra set screw and one adjustment wrench. It does come with a little Rubber City Armory logo decal. It is very cheap looking but that is not really a big deal.
Now some may be concerned with where the gas goes. It goes in the receiver as my gun was a little dirtier than normal after the small amount of firing that I did. This did not affect how the rifle ran, as I had no malfunctions. Now I will go ahead and get those screws staked in.
Raccomandato con riserve
Great Idea. 09.04.2015
Gas control screws had to be reset repeatedly.
Even with the set screw there were problems keeping it where I wanted it. Once it was adjusted the adjustment changed when you tightened the locking screw.
Assolutamente raccomandato
seems to work as intended.... 03.04.2015
I was skeptical about this but wanted to give it a try...overall I'm impressed. My pinned carbine's barrel came with an oversized gas port it seems and I was having all the signs of over gassing(case head swipe, 12-1PM ejection, harsher recoil, mid case dents, etc) on every type of ammo I tried. Installed the ADIGS and now I have no swiping, dents, recoil is softer and ejection is consistently at 4PM with all ammo I've tried. I am writing this after about 1000 rounds through it because I wanted to give an accurate review and see how it did, I really liked it! I have only adjusted it once and hasn't moved in the last 1k rounds. This is a good option for those with a pinned/welded barrel.
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Migliora le prestazioni del tuo AR-15 con il Gas Key Regolabile di Rubber City Armory! 🔧 Facile da installare e regolabile per un flusso ottimale.
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Le molle di ricambio di alta qualità mantengono il tuo AR-15 in perfetta funzionalità.
Fabbricate con tolleranze precise, sono ottime come ricambi d'emergenza.
Disponibili singolarmente o in confezioni da 3, compatibili con AR-15.
I kit di dimensionamento proiettili Lee sono facili da usare e si adattano a presse a singolo stadio.
I gas check vengono automaticamente posizionati e crimpati durante il processo di dimensionamento.
È importante scegliere un kit di dimensionamento .001" più grande del diametro delle scanalature per proiettili in piombo.
Il kit MASTER GUNSMITH SCREW KITS include 142 pezzi di viti premium a esagono e 20 formati di viti a stile 6-Lobe.
Include pinzette e un calibro per dimensione filettata/giocattolo di accorciamento, rendendo facile la sostituzione delle viti.
Le viti sono progettate per essere antiscivolo, compatibili con tutti i cacciaviti e punte a stile 6-lobe.