FITS: AR-15 Accurized HBAR, .223; AR-15 Government Carbine, .223; AR-15 Match Target, .223; AR-15 Match Target Competition HBAR, .223; AR-15 Match Target Competition HBAR II, .223; AR-15 Match Target HBAR, .223; AR-15 Match Target Lightweig
PASSEND FÜR: AR-15 Accurized HBAR, .223; AR-15 Government Carbine, .223; AR-15 Match Target, .223; AR-15 Match Target Competition HBAR, .223; AR-15 Match Target Competition HBAR II, .223; AR-15 Match Target HBAR, .223; AR-15 Match Target Lightweight
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Kundenbewertungen (6)
4 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert
It's Perfect, It's Colt ! 08.09.2017
It's a Colt part, It's the best. It fit my No Dac Spud upper perfectly. Color match is great. You pay for quality. Read the description it's just the door. Order the rest of the parts from Colt too and you wont have any issues. installed in minutes. A++
Sehr empfehlenswert
Freedom isn't free 20.08.2016
I disagree with other comments here. Being there is the ball and spring housing installed that locks the door closed, this is an assembly. Reading comprehension is important. Yes you still need the spring, pin, and cir-clip.
This door is also a firmer piece of steel than other doors I have installed in the past. Why does this cost more than other doors? Because it is worth it.
I'm back for another.
Wenig empfehlenswert
deceptive description 20.01.2013
not an assembly, just the cover, have to reorder , would not order this again for the cost
Sehr empfehlenswert
You dont know how to order... 11.07.2010
I think its a fine product. Colt does their best. Even down to publishing an illustrated parts catalog.I referenced the Colt Manual No. CM202. And part number 8 is an Ejection Port Cover Assembly. Reference the picture on pg 13 and diagram is just your door assembly. What makes up the assembly is the gate catch which holds the door assembly to the receiver. They are 2 independent parts, but Colt calls it an assembly.Ordering Colt parts can be tricky so make sure to reference a Colt diagram I still get confused.
Bedingt empfehlenswert
Not an assembly 17.05.2010
Excellent product but it is a bit misleading as a "Ejection Port Cover Assembly"
DOES NOT INCLUDE PIN or "C" clip retainer
cover only 07.04.2010
not assembly -teflon coated Ejct Port Cover only will have to put 2nd order for EPC spring. pin and pin snap ring [...]
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Entdecke die AR15A4 Ejection Port Cover von Colt für dein AR-15/M4! 🛠️ Perfekte Passform und in edlem Schwarz. Hol sie dir jetzt!
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Der BCMGunfighter SOPMOD Stock MOD 0 bietet eine verbesserte Wangenauflage und ein robustes Verriegelungssystem für stabilen Halt.
Er ist frei von hervorstehenden Teilen und scharfen Kanten, wodurch er sicher für den Einsatz mit Sling und Ausrüstung ist.
Integrierte Rückstossdämpfer und der VBOST ermöglichen eine bequeme Schulterplatzierung und sichere Sling-Befestigung im Fahrzeug.