- Waffentyp: AR-15
- Versandgewicht: 0.005kg
- Versandbreite: 57mm
- Versandlänge: 89mm
Artikel-Nr.: 989015013
Herst.-Nr.: NONE
Echte, mil-spec Qualität kleine Stifte für die AR-15/M-16, die abnutzen, brechen oder einfach verloren gehen. Ideal, um deine eigenen Notfallteile-Sets zu erstellen.At last, the parts are back! 18.06.2013
After the rush on everything "Gun" related I am happy to see the simplest of parts back in stock! I had 2 AR-15's down for these simple pins. I'm stocking up on all the essentials to keep my weapons ready! It's amazing how critical every part is no matter how small. DO NOT try any substitutes for a pin or 50,000+ PSI can tear your hands off!
5 pin pack 12.12.2009
Note that there are 5 pins in this pack. I didn't know this, and now have a lifetime supply of bolt catch pins!!
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