Precision, EDM trigger and hand polished sear provide a crisp, clean 2 to 3 pound trigger pull. Unique, two-piece design eliminates annoying flop of the Marlin factory trigger. Produced to minimum tolerances, gives a safe, light trigger that helps improve accuracy for hunters; helps give Cowboy shooters that winning edge. Drop-in fit; installation requires complete action disassembly.
SPECS: Tool steel. Blue, matte finish or Nickel, silver finish. Hardened engagement surfaces. Fits all modern Marlin centerfire rifles; 1895, 1895G, 1895GS,1895M, 450M, 444, 336, and 1894 models. Will only replace Marlin Centerfire 2 piece triggers, does not fit early Marlins with a 1 piece trigger.
Will only replace Marlin Centerfire 2 piece triggers, does not fit early Marlins with a 1 piece trigger.
Offre une rupture légère et nette, sans le "flop"
La gâchette EDM de précision et le détendeur poli à la main offrent un tir léger et net de 2 à 3 livres. Le design unique à deux pièces élimine le flop ennuyeux de la gâchette d'origine de Marlin. Produite avec des tolérances minimales, elle offre une gâchette sûre et légère qui aide à améliorer la précision pour les chasseurs ; elle donne aux tireurs de Cowboy cet avantage gagnant. Installation facile ; nécessite un démontage complet de l'action.
CARACTÉRISTIQUES : Acier à outils. Fini bleu mat ou fini nickel argenté. Surfaces d'engagement durcies. S'adapte à tous les fusils Marlin centerfire modernes : modèles 1895, 1895G, 1895GS, 1895M, 450M, 444, 336 et 1894. Remplace uniquement les gâchettes à deux pièces des Marlin Centerfire, ne convient pas aux anciens Marlin avec une gâchette à une pièce.
Remplace uniquement les gâchettes à deux pièces des Marlin Centerfire, ne convient pas aux anciens Marlin avec une gâchette à une pièce.
Points forts
La gâchette EDM offre un tir franc et net de 2 à 3 livres.
Le design à deux pièces élimine le flou de la gâchette d'origine Marlin.
Compatible avec plusieurs modèles Marlin centerfire modernes, mais ne convient pas aux anciens modèles à 1 pièce.
Reduced trigger pull from 5.5 lbs to 3.5 lbs on my Marlin 336. It's a really nice clean break with no flop. Only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is that I wish it was a tad cheaper. But would recommend it.
Fortement recommandé
Trigger Ecstasy 14.05.2018
This trigger was easy to install with no fitting required. I have a new Marlin 1894, and had no issues what so ever installing this trigger. The factory trigger pull weight was about 6.5 lbs on my particular rifle. The Nickel Happy Trigger I installed tested consistent at 1 lb 9 oz which may be a little light for some folks but perfect for me. I highly recommend this trigger to anyone who likes a light trigger pull with a crisp break and no take up. Also added the wolf reduced spring kit. love the hammer spring but the lever release spring is pretty light, perfect for cowboy action shooting I suppose.
Fortement recommandé
Greatly Improved Trigger pull 10.12.2017
I installed this trigger in an old Marlin 336 that had the worst trigger I've ever seen in a Marlin 336. It was 8 1/2 to well over 9 lbs when I 1st bought the rifle used. This Wild West Trigger installed with no fitting required at all and now I have a 3 1/2 to 4 lb pull. Very pleased with the results.
Fortement recommandé
Excellent design. 26.10.2017
This is a well thought out product. It took me about twenty minutes from start to finish to install. On my 1894, the trigger pull measured 2.8 pounds after installation. It is a crisp clean break. I found no weaknesses in it. In my rifle, it was a true drop in fit.
Fortement recommandé
Wonderful trigger 21.07.2017
Took 15 minutes to change and took the trigger pull from 10 lbs to 4 1/2 lbs.
Fortement recommandé
Trigger is a blessing 05.05.2016
Dropped the trigger in 457 Mag and what a difference, when you are on a Bigger Caliber it's a bit of a difference even a Hot load 45/70 , much less the factory loads . Any way easy in and I can tell the trigger is under 4 lbs , I've got a couple big calibers and I am dropping 1 in them all. Tightens every thing up.
Fortement recommandé
Great Upgrade 02.03.2016
This trigger is a great upgrade to my Marlin 336! I wish that I had added years ago. I have never been happy with the stock trigger, but wasn't sure about spending the money to replace it. The improvement was worth every penny!!
Fortement recommandé
What a difference 01.02.2016
Easy to install, installed it went out back and happilly put 20 rounds down range its now a tack driver so thrilled
Fortement recommandé
Made me happy! 17.06.2015
It was truly drop-in part in my Marlin 444P Outfitter. It took about an hour to install... and I was taking my time to also do a detail cleaning. The trigger pull is noticeably lighter, but it's no "hair-trigger." The break is extremely crisp. This is a great upgrade for a hunting gun if you are unsatisfied with your current trigger pull.
Fortement recommandé
Great trigger! 15.03.2015
Installed this trigger in my 308 Mxlr. Factory trigger on my gun was very stiff and this has lightened it up significantly. Was able to install without much issue, just followed a tutorial. Very pleased and would purchase again in an instant.
Fortement recommandé
Yow what a difference! 13.10.2014
Recently bought an 1894 in .44 magnum. The factory trigger challenged any hope for accuracy at around 8#. Did some research, apparently got the last Trigger Happy kit available here (in nickel, though my rifle is blued-- looks pretty good!) Installed it myself courtesy of some good instructions I found on the internat, and also added a Wolff hammer spring. Now I have a 2.5# trigger and the gun is a different animal! Highly recommended.
Fortement recommandé
Excellent product, superb result 04.09.2014
I installed the Happy Trigger in my JM-marked Marlin .45-70 Guide Gun last night in under an hour. The only reason it took that long is that I also polished up a few other bearing surfaces in the action. No instructions were included, but high quality instructions are easily found online.
The original trigger had a slightly rough pull that measured at 3lbs, so it was quite acceptable to begin with. After replacement, it measured out at 2-1/8th lbs with extremely little variation from one pull to the next, and is exceptionally crisp. You've heard the phrase "Breaking a glass rod" before? It's a perfect description for the end result which is completely free of creep, grittiness or drag of any sort.
Note that I did not have to polish the sear engagement surface on the hammer at all as it was fairly well machined and was without any burrs or roughness. The sear on the original trigger was however very rough and uneven. It was machined more heavily on one side than the other, and was not engaging un a uniform manner with the sear engagement surface on the hammer. The Happy Trigger sear is laser straight and machined without any roughness whatsoever. As it should be!
Money well spent indeed.
Fortement recommandé
Shockingly good upgrade 19.08.2014
The price felt a bit steep when I first received the internationally shipped package, but after install I was truly amazed.
The trigger on my 336 was very stiff, and I expected this to help a little. But it must have removed what felt like half the amount of force required to pull the trigger, and changed my rifle completely.
It might just be a small part for $90 but I was indeed worth it!
Simple No Fit Install 25.01.2013
No fitting required install in my post Remington buy-out Marlin 336C. Vast improvement in the trigger pull when coupled with the Brownells spring kit 080-000-192WB. Instructions are not included but step by step install go-by's are easily googled up.
Recommandé, avec réserves
It did help, but it did not get the 3lb 25.11.2012
The trigger is easy to install. There is plenty of help on the internet. It was advertized to be a 3lb trigger. In my case the Marlin 336 was new and the trigger pull was off the gauge. After installing this trigger the pull was about 6 1/4 lbs. This does not sound very good but it did make a huge difference from what it was originally. I would recommend this trigger to lighten a very heavy one. It is well built and it dropped right in with no fitting. Just do not expect a target trigger.
Spend the money, It's worth it 10.11.2012
The Marlin Guide gun has been on my bucket list for quite awhile. I finally bought one about 6 months ago, and love the gun with the exception of the trigger. If you don't know what creep means, pull the trigger on a Marlin. Last night I tore the gun down using one of the several tutorials I found on line. While I had it all apart, I polished all the parts and installed the new trigger. It's fantastic. In the comments someone posed the question, why doesn't Marlin just start using this type of design in their new guns? That is a good question. When you put it back together, don"t tighten the screws on the receiver until you get the hammer screw back in. It took me about 15 minutes of head scratching to figure out why I couldn't get the hammer screw holes to line up. The price only hurts until you see the results, and I learned a lot about the gun in the process.
Fortement recommandé
Fortement recommandé
Very hard 04.06.2012
This product is very hard. It removed all the flop from my action. I am a very trigger happy person now.
The best Marlin upgrade. 06.05.2012
This is the best upgrade you can do for your Marlin 1895 in .450 Marlin. Lighter pull than the factory, no slop in the pull and as long as you know the basics about your guns internals it is pretty easy to install. Haven't measured the pull weight but you most definitely can feel the difference. Kinda like replacing an old k98 Mauser trigger with a Timney Sportsman. The only thing that would improve this trigger is if it had about a pound and a half pull. I like them light.
Well made, Looks and works well. 21.02.2012
I installed this in an older 336 (mid 80 ) gun. It took a lot of work ie fitting and polishing to get in . Once done it works great very crisp trigger pull ,and no slop . I also polished the hammer since it was on the bench ,made a nice job.
Fortement recommandé
Excellent Results 09.02.2012
Used this trigger along with a spring kit (Brownels) to get a crisp, cosistant, clean breaking 2 1/2lb (measured with digital trigger pull gauge)trigger pull- and no trigger flop. Instalation took about 30 minutes with no filing, fitting, or fideling arount. Accompanying instruction are clear enough, but really not needed as the installation is straight forward - take out the factory trigger, put in the new. Owner has been using firearm in cowboy action shooting and really couldn't believe the difference in before and after.
Fortement recommandé
Great Product 04.02.2012
I have installed this kit on a 336C 30-30 and on an 1895 SBL 45-70. One blue and the other stainless. Both were easy to install and remove the trigger flop as well as any creep in the trigger. Both of my trigger pull weights came down at least 1 lb per gun. Trigger pull on my 1895 is now a clean 3lbs and my 336C is a clean 3.5 lbs. Note: You are changing trigger parts so make sure you test for safety after you install. If you don't know much about triggers this might not be for you.
Fortement recommandé
GREAT 27.08.2011
put this in my 1895, 45-70 and got a night and day diffrence in the trigger....this is a must have for the heavy trigger pulls on most it yourself installation....
Recommandé, avec réserves
Not too impressed 20.06.2011
Read all the great reviews and decided to drop this in my 1895 Guide Gun. Installation was easy enough, and it does completey eliminate the "Marlin Flop" I am however, disappointed in the final triger pull. Before the install, my lyman gauge measured the pull at 4lbs 10 oz. After, I was at 5 lbs 8 oz, almost a full pound heavier.I understand a trigger job will get this lower, but I shouldnt have to spend $80 in gunsmithing to make an [$] trigger work.
Non recommandé
Not So Happy Trigger 31.05.2011
Did not fit my Marlin 336 1955 year model 35 rem The amount of fitting required would excessive to get any kind of fit. Bought it because of all the good reviews, maybe it just fits newer Marlins??
Fortement recommandé
Trigger Happy is a happy trigger 03.04.2011
I don't know why this isn't Marlin's stock trigger. It takes all the slop out of the trigger, which the stock trigger is known for. You now have a crisp trigger which makes the gun more accurate. The quality of the trigger is a big selling point for many guns. With this trigger in your gun, you will be much happier with it. How does it work? The edge that engages the sear is narrower, so the trigger doesn't move except to fire the gun. Simple, and it works.
Fortement recommandé
Piece O' Cake!!!! 17.02.2011
This Trigger is awesome. The original factory triggers have so much flop that you would think they were broke if you didn't know better. Not this one, with it installed it there is no flop and along with just polishing the hammer where it meets up with the trigger you can get this down to a crisp 2 pound pull. You already have the hammer out its worth the 5 mins. to to polish it up. A true Drop-In no fitting at all has to be done.
Fortement recommandé
Incredable improvement 29.06.2010
The original trigger is by far the worst part on the marlin 336. Changing it to the wild west trigger offers you a new world. It is excellent but expensive. Did the replacement on my own.
A lot better than factory 17.03.2010
Nice trigger easy to install. Wish it was a little lighter on the pull (3lbs)
Fortement recommandé
Huge improvement over factory trigger 07.12.2009
This is a wonderful upgrade to my 444 Marlin. It is nice & crisp with no takeup & very little overtravel, compared to factory trigger it is the difference between night & day. No trigger scale to check poundage..sorry but 50% less would be my estimate. Great trigger nuff said. Rusty
Easy drop in fit, solid improvement 07.10.2009
Replaced the trigger in my Marlin 1895 guide gun. Pull dropped from 6 lbs to 3.5 lbs, crisp and no creep. Easy to install.
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Améliore ta précision avec le TRIGGER-HAPPY KIT de Wild West Guns! 🎯 Installation facile et design unique pour les fusils Marlin modernes.
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L'éjecteur monobloc découpé EDM assure une éjection fiable pour les charges lourdes.
Compatible avec tous les fusils à feu central Marlin modernes, y compris les modèles 1895, 336 et 444.
Installation facile, mais il est conseillé de faire appel à un armurier pour l'installation.
Le gage de longueur de douille L.E. Wilson est un outil essentiel pour vérifier la longueur de tes douilles de carabine et de pistolet.
Il est conçu pour des douilles sans collet, offrant une précision dans les tolérances de longueur.
Ce cylindre monobloc non ajustable avec des surfaces fraisées garantit une utilisation facile et efficace.
Fixe facilement au Pic Rail de n'importe quel AR avec un clip en aluminium anodisé.
Capacité de 100 douilles (.223) pour éviter que les douilles ne se répandent autour de ta zone de tir.
Fermeture éclair au bas du sac en maille pour un vidage pratique.
Cette vis en acier facilite le démontage du levier pour un nettoyage complet.
Elle permet de remplacer facilement les leviers standard par des leviers à grande boucle.
Compatible avec plusieurs modèles de carabines à levier Marlin 336, 1894, 1895, 30AS et 30AW.