- Art: Target
- Farbe: Black
- Höhe: .404
- Material: Steel
- Waffentyp: Universal Rifles
- Versandgewicht: 0.023kg
- Versandhöhe: 8mm
- Versandbreite: 58mm
- Versandlänge: 109mm
- UPC: 011516310767
Artikel-Nr.: 539017360
Herst.-Nr.: 3171076
011516310767 Niedriges Profil, vollständig aus Stahl bestehende Frontsicht mit acht austauschbaren Sicht-Einsätzen, die durch einen gewindeten Deckel fixiert werden. Die Sicht umfasst ein Einsatze-Set.Perfect Fit on Henry H001T Series 27.04.2012
On my Henry H001TV, I replaced the original Marbles Bead front sight with this Lyman 17A-HB Globe sight. It took some minor filing on the sight dovetail base to get a nice fit into the barrel dovetail, yet this is normal. The sight works great with the Marbles Tang Peep Sight I also have mounted for a rear sight. The inserts that came with the 17A-HB were somewhat course or fat, so I upgraded to a set of Lee Shaver inserts for the 17A. These are finer and provide a better front sight picture by obscuring less of the target. The sight is well made, smooth surface with nice bluing.
45/70 buffalo classic 30.01.2012
I have a H&R buffalo clasic in 45/70 with a williams rear sight this sight allowed me to lower the rear sight enough to give me room for eleavation for longer shots if so i chose to
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