Entdecke die SIERRA Pro-Hunter Bullets 6mm (0.243") für präzises Jagen. 🦌 Maximale Expansion und Gewichtserhaltung für einen treffsicheren Schuss!
Top Takeaways
Das Pro-Hunter®-Design kombiniert flache Basis mit Sierras Genauigkeit.
Maximale Expansion und optimale Gewichtserhaltung für jagdentscheidende Leistung.
Geeignet für Kaliber 243 (6mm) mit einem Gewicht von 100 Grain.
Ballistic Coefficient (G1):0.373
Brand Style:Pro-Hunter
Diameter (Breech):0.243
Durchmesser (Zoll):0.243
Geschossart:Spitzer Pointed (SPT)
Kaliber:6mm,243 Caliber
Sectional Density:0.242
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A505.x
Ballistic Coefficient (G1): 0.373
Brand Style: Pro-Hunter
Diameter (Breech): 0.243
Durchmesser (Zoll): 0.243
Geschossart: Spitzer Pointed (SPT)
Grain: 100
Kaliber: 243 Caliber, 6mm
Sectional Density: 0.242
Menge: 100
39.9CHFCHF 39.90
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 749003087
Herst.-Nr.: 1540
092763015407 Das traditionelle, flache Basisdesign der Pro-Hunter®-Geschosse wurde geschickt mit Sierras weltberühmter Genauigkeit kombiniert. Unser massgeschneidertes, konisch zulaufendes Pro-Hunter®-Manteldesign sorgt für maximale Expansion, optimale Gewichtserhaltung und tiefes Eindringen für eine jagdentscheidende Leistung mit nur einem Schuss.
The traditional, flat base design of the Pro-Hunter® has been skillfully blended with Sierra's world-famous accuracy. Our custom-tapered Pro-Hunter® jacket design helps assure maximum expansion, optimum weight retention and deep penetration for game-stopping, one-shot performance.
Das traditionelle, flache Basisdesign der Pro-Hunter®-Geschosse wurde geschickt mit Sierras weltberühmter Genauigkeit kombiniert. Unser massgeschneidertes, konisch zulaufendes Pro-Hunter®-Manteldesign sorgt für maximale Expansion, optimale Gewichtserhaltung und tiefes Eindringen für eine jagdentscheidende Leistung mit nur einem Schuss.
Top Takeaways
Das Pro-Hunter®-Design kombiniert flache Basis mit Sierras Genauigkeit.
Maximale Expansion und optimale Gewichtserhaltung für jagdentscheidende Leistung.
Geeignet für Kaliber 243 (6mm) mit einem Gewicht von 100 Grain.
Ballistic Coefficient (G1):0.373
Brand Style:Pro-Hunter
Diameter (Breech):0.243
Durchmesser (Zoll):0.243
Geschossart:Spitzer Pointed (SPT)
Kaliber:6mm,243 Caliber
Sectional Density:0.242
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A505.x
Kundenbewertungen (11)
4.7 / 5
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Superb accuracy /equal to match bullets 06.04.2018
I've owned this 1938 8 mm rebarreled sporterized Mauser for decades . Of the guns I own I just thought it would be lucky to shoot 1-1/2 to 2 inch groups .boy was I WRONG.i loaded up these bullets using IMR 4166. I couldn't believe the accuracy!!! Crazy but from start load to max all 5 shot groups at 100 yards were sub 1 inch .i found a node at each low,med and max that shot 5 shots hovering just a hair over or at 1/2 inch.i could more then likely adjust bullet seating death and gain more accuracy.SIERRA BULLETS NEVER LET ME DOWN. This is now one of the most accurate guns I own.SECOND AMENDMENT !!! NOT ONE INCH !!!
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Excellent performance across the board 15.12.2017
I use these in my Model 700 Remington 308. Sub MOA groups to 500 meters and an excellent deer bullet. The price and performance are hard to beat. Sierra bullets have been my first choice for years no matter what the sport or game.
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Thirty years of Excellent Performance 25.10.2017
I first started hand loading after the deer I shot and knocked down got back up and went for a mile, because of improper penetration by a factory load. After that, using Sierra's 140 grain Pro Hunter 7mm bullet, launched with !MR 4064 in a 7mm08 case, the deer go down and stay down. One bullet I recovered went through both shoulders, and came to rest just under the hide on the other side, still in one piece and perfectly mushroomed. I say one bullet, because the rest went through the deer and out the other side. Penetration and performance has always been excellent. Because of the accuracy, I also use this round to take ground hog in the summer with devastating results. This bullet has and continues to perform with outstanding results for the past thirty years. There is no better testimony than one that has been time tested. .
Good all around bullet 10.08.2017
I used these in my 300 blackout loads. They performed well. I got them to shoot and plink with, but wanted something I could utilize for hunting as well. I will continue to use them in the same capacity in it.
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Great bullet for the Krag 15.11.2016
I use the bullet to duplicate the original 30-40 Krag cartridge. I own a 1898 Krag built in 1902. Despite a sewer pipe for a barrel it groups 1.5" at 100 yds. when combined with a light load of H4895 with iron sights. Bullets are pretty consistent are far as length. Weight varied by about .5 grain at the extreme end but the vast majority were closer then that. The exposed lead tips were not deformed. Not sure if I got a good lot or that's the norm...I'm sure individual results may vary.
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Best pill for 30-30 deer 11.01.2015
Loaded in front of 35.5 grains of Varget the Sierra 125 gr is the perfect whitetail deer load for the 30-30. Amazing 2 MOA accuratcy for lever action Marlins with very light recoil for women and kids.
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A very fine bullet 01.07.2014
The 130 gr Pro Hunter is a very accurate bullet in my 111 Savage .270WCF. 100 yard groups are consistently under 1 MOA and groups to 300 yards rarely exceed 3 inches ( slow fire 3 rounders). Performance on game is equally impressive. Exit holes are impressive and leave excellent blood paths ( not trails!) if the critter moves at all after the hit. I took my first black bear with this bullet and it performance was outstanding. The bear gave no " death bawl" because he had nothing left in his chest to make any noise with. Good bullet for a reasonable price
Surprisingly accurate 08.11.2013
These turned out to be surprisingly accurate in my Bushmaster 16-inch 6.8 SPC II with five-shot groups under an inch at 100 yards not uncommon. And that's with Remington brass and H335 powder. Good price, good accuracy, good personal defense design. I'm happy with these, but I wish you could buy them in lots larger than 100.
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I will buy these bullets over and over 06.11.2013
Very accurate and dependable bullets, I harvested 2 deer and where all one shot kills. I will never use any other bullets again.
Good whitetail stopper 16.02.2013
I push these bullets out of my 6.8 SPC AR-15 using CCI #41 primers, SSA brass and 25.5 grains RL-10. Drops New York whitetails in their tracks. Of the three bucks I shot with this load, not one took another step.
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Great for suppressed loads 18.04.2012
This round works very well and is excellent for handloading for suppressed guns. 1 MOA and better @1050FPS!
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Entdecke die SIERRA Pro-Hunter Bullets 6mm (0.243") für präzises Jagen. 🦌 Maximale Expansion und Gewichtserhaltung für einen treffsicheren Schuss!
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Dieses Produkt unterliegt der Aufsicht der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und ist ausschliesslich für den Export in das Bestimmungsland zur Verwendung durch den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbraucher, der beim Kauf festgelegt wird, bestimmt. Dieses Produkt darf ohne vorherige Erlaubnis der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder einer autorisierten US-Behörde über den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbrauchers hinaus nicht wiederverkauft, übertragen, oder in einer anderen Weise in Drittländer oder an Dritte überlassen werden. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn die Artikel verbaut bzw. in einen anderen Artikel integriert wurde.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
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