050806111288 Die Sinclair Bump Gage Inserts werden verwendet, um den Betrag des Schulterbump zu messen, wenn du die Full Length Sizing Dies einrichtest. Unsere Bump Gages passen in eines unserer Vergleichsgehäuse und sind so gefertigt, dass sie zu bestimmten Schulterwinkeln von Patronen passen. Anstatt zur Datumsmarke zu messen, zeigen diese Gages von der Schulter der Patrone an, um eine bessere und leichter nachvollziehbare Messung zu erhalten, wie viel du tatsächlich deine Hülsen bearbeitest. Wir empfehlen in der Regel einen Bump zwischen .001" und .002" für Repetierbüchsen und zwischen .003" und .005" für AR-15 Gewehre. Ausserdem ist es ein nützliches Werkzeug, um dein Messing und deine geladenen Patronen zu trennen, wenn du mehrere Gewehre für dasselbe Kaliber hast und um geladene Munition zu überprüfen.
Sinclair Bump Gage Inserts are used to measure the amount of shoulder bump when setting up full length sizing dies. Our Bump Gages install in either of our comparator bodies and are machined to fit particular shoulder angles of cartridges. Rather than measuring to the datum line, these gages indicate off of the shoulder of the case to get a better, more easily assessable measurement of how much you are actually sizing your cases. We usually recommend between .001" to .002" bump for bolt action rifles and between .003" and .005" for AR-15 type rifles. Also a useful tool for keeping your brass and loaded ammunition separated if you have multiple rifles chambered for the same cartridge and checking loaded ammunition.
Die Sinclair Bump Gage Inserts werden verwendet, um den Betrag des Schulterbump zu messen, wenn du die Full Length Sizing Dies einrichtest. Unsere Bump Gages passen in eines unserer Vergleichsgehäuse und sind so gefertigt, dass sie zu bestimmten Schulterwinkeln von Patronen passen. Anstatt zur Datumsmarke zu messen, zeigen diese Gages von der Schulter der Patrone an, um eine bessere und leichter nachvollziehbare Messung zu erhalten, wie viel du tatsächlich deine Hülsen bearbeitest. Wir empfehlen in der Regel einen Bump zwischen .001" und .002" für Repetierbüchsen und zwischen .003" und .005" für AR-15 Gewehre. Ausserdem ist es ein nützliches Werkzeug, um dein Messing und deine geladenen Patronen zu trennen, wenn du mehrere Gewehre für dasselbe Kaliber hast und um geladene Munition zu überprüfen.
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Die Sinclair Bump Gage Inserts messen den Schulterbump beim Einrichten von Full-Length-Sizing-Dies.
Empfohlene Bump-Werte sind .001" bis .002" für Repetierbüchsen und .003" bis .005" für AR-15-Typ Gewehre.
Sie helfen dir, dein Messing und geladene Munition für verschiedene Gewehre zu organisieren und zu überprüfen.
Patrone:6.5 Creedmoor,6.5 Grendel,300 Savage,300 Ruger Compact Magnum,25 WSSM (Winchester Super Short Mag),30 BR (Benchrest),338 Ruger Compact Magnum,300 Remington SAUM,30 Thompson Center,6.5 mm BR
Made in USA
Kundenbewertungen (17)
3.1 / 5
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Does not work for 6.5 Creedmoor 24.07.2018
Bought this 30A to check bumping the shoulders of my 6.5 Creedmoor brass. Had been using a Wilson Case gage to do the job and it works well I thought this may be faster. I bumped and bumped no reading beyond the initial cal of 1.501 on the digital calipers. Each bump i got a new reading on the Wilson Case Gage. Highly disappointed with the purchase.
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Quality 20.06.2018
I have the original Stoney Point tool and this fits and works well on .338 Lapua Magnum cases to adjust the amount of shoulder bump on cases.
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Nicely machined doesnât fit without mods 18.04.2018
Iâm using this to measure shoulder bump between fired and full length sized cases. The âthrough holeâ is much too tight on all the 223 fires cases Iâve tried, this leads to cases sticking and readings of .010+ greater than normal. I can neck size to get them to fit but this is an additional step that Iâd prefer not to do, and is impossible to accomplish if Iâm trying to get data while on the range. I asked Sinclairâs techs if there was an issue with the product and they told me to ream it out with a drill bit. Not exactly the answer I was looking for. I would like to keep using this product because I like that the opening matches up with the shoulder angle unlike competing products, but it doesnât work out of the box.
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Poor / Inaccurate Description 03.03.2018
Does NOT fit 300 Blackout without modification.
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Incorrect fitment 24.02.2018
The details on this part say this fits 300 Blackout. Turns out it doesn't unless you modify it does not explain that anywhere in the description.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Feels Like Plastic 26.01.2017
I thought the product was made of metal, which is should be. Feels like plastic, which it should not be. I didn't have much luck with this product and the inserts using it as a bump gauge. The readings were inconsistent even with two different calipers. Even trying to bump .308 cases back 4/1000ths for an AR10 was nearly impossible to do with any consistency. The finished products did not shoot as well as a fully resized cases in the testing I did.
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Only works with certain calipers 13.12.2016
We use Aero Space brand calipers at the EPA. The slot on these arent wide enough to fit over them. That's OK but Sinclair should list some models they work with OR the width of the slot.
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Quality Construction 18.07.2016
The bump gauge/comparator body has quality construction, and hold the inserts well. They attach to my calipers securely, and work well.
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great product 01.03.2016
I really like the insert it's made of Stainless Steel so it will not wear easy . The gauge is also very easy to use, works on my Hornady body too.
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Does not work for .416 Rigby 25.01.2015
The .416 Rigby is a beltless cartridge that headspaces on its ample 45 degree shoulder. This bump gage hole diameter is too small to host the outside dimensions of the .416 Rigby brass. It would have been nice to know there was a size limit on the exterior brass dimensions so as to avoid a return.
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These Fit the Hornady Tools 07.01.2015
This little item told me right away what problem My sons hand loads had very easy to use and the fact they fit the Hornady tools that look like this is a big plus....If you already have the Hornady gauges.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Requires honing geometry change 24.01.2014
The tapered opening is right at .277 and goes extremely far down VLD type/Accubond bullets, this makes it impossible to measure Ogive Combined Overall Length on loaded bullets. The older stainless steel hexagonal shaped comparator is much more useful as it's tapered opening is at .268". This comparator insert's tapered opening should start at .270" within .001" of that.
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Great tool for measuring shoulder bump 13.12.2013
I bought this tool to use with the Sinclair XL Comparator body and it works great! I am able to measure the distance between the should and the base of a fire cartridge and then set my sizing die to bump the shoulder back a certain distance. I would definitely buy this tool again.
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Great tool for measuring bullets/cases 13.12.2013
I bought this tool in order to measure bullets from the ojive to the base and also to measure should bump. It's a high quality tool and works perfectly for my needs. Being that it's the XL version, you're able to measure shoulders with a bullets installed.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Poor discription 02.07.2012
It's listed as "30-06 Family" but will not work with 17deg shoulders over 338 cal.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Much Better than Hornady LNL inserts 23.02.2011
It's much easier to measure headspace with an insert that's tapered to match the cartridge's shoulder angle. Easier to use than the 90 deg. edge of the straight hole drilled in the original Hornady LNL inserts.
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Keep it simple 09.02.2011
Simplicity is more often than not the best way to do things...This product is so simple but is something every shooter should have at their reloading bench. Use it every few hundred rounds to make sure your desired bullet jump matches wear in barrel.
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Mess deine Hülsen präzise mit dem SINCLAIR Bump Gage Insert! 🔍 Ideal für 25 bis 338 Kaliber und einfach zu bedienen.
Der Sinclair Comparator hilft dir, Geschosse nach ihrem Basis-zu-Länge-Verhältnis zu sortieren, was wichtig ist, wenn du die Geschossmeplat kürzen möchtest.
Die Comparator-Einsätze sind aus rostfreiem Stahl und bieten eine präzisere Kammeröffnung, wodurch Wackeln vermieden wird.
Die Einsätze sind für Kaliber von 17 bis 45 erhältlich und können in Sinclair- sowie älteren Stoney Point Comparator-Gehäusen verwendet werden.
Maschinengefertigter Aluminiumkörper sorgt für Langlebigkeit beim Durchladen.
Geformt wie geladene Patronen, um das korrekte Laden und Zuführen zu simulieren.
Verbessert deine Schiessfertigkeiten und den Umgang mit der Waffe beim Üben von Nachladen und Abzug drücken.
Wärmebehandelte Stahlbushings mit Titan-Nitrid-Beschichtung erhöhen die Oberflächenhärte.
Reduzierte Reibung beim Grössen für bessere Leistung.
Erhältlich in Durchmessern von .185" bis .368" in .001" Schritten.
Wärmebehandelte Stahl-Bushings mit handpolierten Durchmessern für verbesserte Oberflächenhärte.
Erhältlich in Grössen von .185" bis .368" in .001" Schritten.
Die letzten drei Ziffern der Teilenummer (#RD73XXX) zeigen die Bushing-Grösse an.
Der LYMAN Universal Carbide Case Trimmer ist ideal für ernsthafte Wiederlader, die präzise Hülsenlängen benötigen.
Der Carbide Cutter Head sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer und kann alle Lyman Piloten akzeptieren.
Mit dem patentierten Universal Chuckhead kannst du jede Schneidaufgabe von .17 bis .458 Kaliber ohne Spannzangen bewältigen.