Verbessere dein SKS-Gewehr mit dem hochwertigen SKS ENHANCED FIRING PIN von MURRAYS! ✨ Für mehr Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit beim Schiessen.
Top Takeaways
Hochwertiger Ersatzfeuerstift im originalen russischen Design zur Vermeidung von Slam-Fires.
Gerades Kegel-Design mit Wolff-Markenfeder für konsistente Rückkehr und Vermeidung von Festklemmen.
Kompatibel mit verschiedenen SKS-Gewehren, einschliesslich post-1950 russischen Modellen.
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Hersteller/Modell: SKS
99.9CHFCHF 99.90
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 563000001
Hochwertiger, ersetzbarer Schlagbolzen, der das originale, vor 1951 entworfene russische Design verwendet, um das Risiko von versehentlichen Slam-Fires und unkontrollierbarem Vollautomatikbetrieb, wie bei den derzeit produzierten, freischwebenden Schlagbolzen, zu beseitigen. Das allmähliche, gerade Taper-Design mit Wolff-Markenfeder verhindert mechanische Blockaden im Verschluss und sorgt für eine konstante Rückkehr des Schlagbolzens nach jedem Schuss; zudem ermöglicht es die Verwendung von amerikanischer Munition mit weichen Zündern und Wiederladungen. Passt auf chinesische, jugoslawische, albanische, rumänische und russische SKS-Gewehre nach 1950. Nicht geeignet für russische Modelle vor 1951 mit flacherem Schlagbolzenloch. Enthält eine Ersatzfeder für den Schlagbolzen und Anweisungen.
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Lager USA.
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Lager USA.
Based On The Original Russian Design For Improved Function & Safety
High quality, replacement firing pin uses the original, pre-’51 Russian design to eliminate the potential for accidental slam-fires and uncontrollable full-auto operation associated with the current production, free-floating type firing pin. Gradual, straight taper design with Wolff brand spring prevents mechanical lockup in the bolt and ensures consistent firing pin return after every shot; plus, allows the use of soft-primered American ammunition and reloads. Fits Chinese, Yugoslavian, Albanian, Romanian, and post 1950 Russian SKS rifles. Not for use in pre-1951 Russian models with shallower firing pin hole. Includes spare firing pin spring and instructions.
SPECS: 17-4 stainless steel, natural finish. Approx. 3¾” long. Fits post 1950 Russian SKS and clones.
Basierend auf dem ursprünglichen russischen Design für verbesserte Funktion und Sicherheit
Hochwertiger, ersetzbarer Schlagbolzen, der das originale, vor 1951 entworfene russische Design verwendet, um das Risiko von versehentlichen Slam-Fires und unkontrollierbarem Vollautomatikbetrieb, wie bei den derzeit produzierten, freischwebenden Schlagbolzen, zu beseitigen. Das allmähliche, gerade Taper-Design mit Wolff-Markenfeder verhindert mechanische Blockaden im Verschluss und sorgt für eine konstante Rückkehr des Schlagbolzens nach jedem Schuss; zudem ermöglicht es die Verwendung von amerikanischer Munition mit weichen Zündern und Wiederladungen. Passt auf chinesische, jugoslawische, albanische, rumänische und russische SKS-Gewehre nach 1950. Nicht geeignet für russische Modelle vor 1951 mit flacherem Schlagbolzenloch. Enthält eine Ersatzfeder für den Schlagbolzen und Anweisungen.
SPECS: 17-4 Edelstahl, natürliche Oberfläche. Ca. 3¾” lang. Passt auf russische SKS-Modelle nach 1950 und deren Klone.
Top Takeaways
Hochwertiger Ersatzfeuerstift im originalen russischen Design zur Vermeidung von Slam-Fires.
Gerades Kegel-Design mit Wolff-Markenfeder für konsistente Rückkehr und Vermeidung von Festklemmen.
Kompatibel mit verschiedenen SKS-Gewehren, einschliesslich post-1950 russischen Modellen.
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Kundenbewertungen (23)
3.6 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert
This is a winner -- when needed 20.07.2017
My Chinese SKS would double on me almost every magazine making for unsafe use. This occurred even though the bolt, firing pin, and firing pin channel were clean and even though the firing pin moved freely in the bolt when shaken, as itâs supposed to. I replaced the stock firing pin in my Chinese SKS with the Murray firing pin and spring and fired 100 rounds without a single hiccup, for the first time. Highly recommended when your SKS just wonât behave.
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Response to Reviews 02.02.2017
Murrays response:
Prior to 1-29-2014 some bad batches of 420 SS created brittleness after heat treat, some have broken, but anyone that purchased prior to that date qualifies for free replacement. Contact Murrays for details. Since that date, we have shipped over 5K of the new 17-4 SS FPs and not one has been reported broken. "Popped Primers" can affect our FP the same as an "original" FP, but we have the new "Neck & Throat" service that is a 100% cure for that as well. Again, contact Murrays for details. Brownells has our phone number and email address.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Murrays SKS Firing Pin! 27.02.2016
Overpriced piece of junk!
Nicht empfehlenswert
JUNK 08.08.2015
Don't waste money just keep your's clean. Went threw both springs in like 30 rounds and now got to buy the original one again ( doing to old one being bent) and those are getting hard to find.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Did not work out for my SKS 15.03.2015
It's a cool looking firing pin that I bought to use for brass cases. However, it's so cheap to buy and use the steel case stuff. That's where I had the problems. I would estimate about a 10% - 15% ignition failure rate with steel case ammo. I reinstalled the old firing pin and now I have no problems. Would not recommend for steel cased ammo.
Nicht empfehlenswert
adds unrealiablity 31.12.2014
keep it as the russians designed. keep your orgianl clean and it will never fail. i went through hell with this pin. DO NOT BUY
Nicht empfehlenswert
i bought this product after no problems with slam-fire but didn't want to experience the problem with my norinco sks after 60 rounds the spring was bound up in the Firing pin channel i replaced the spring with the included one and it will not come out still of the bolt i am going to have to buy a new bolt :( terrible product do not buy unless all you shoot is brass cased american ammo
Nicht empfehlenswert
Firing pin 16.12.2013
At first I loved it until I fired my first 100 rounds through my sks. The spring got bound up into the bolt and it took some time to get it out and replace the spring. After another 200 rounds or so the back end of the pin (where the hammer strikes) broke off and was getting stuck. I took it out shooting about a week later and it stopped firing. So I disassembled the bolt and the firing pin just fell right out and it was in two pieces. I am very displeased with this product. And yes I do thoroughly clean my rifle after every use.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Dont buy the hype 09.11.2013
After 30 or so rounds the spring compressed and pieces broke off jamming the firing pin in the firing pin channel, so it wouldn't fire. Replaced the spring with the one replacement it comes with and the same thing happened after about 30-40 rounds. What a waste of money.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Do Not Recommend 14.01.2013
I Installed this product in my SKS and Put 200rds (WOLF) thru my SKS to make sure it ran right. i did have a few light primer strikes, so i inspected my rifle and i found that the firing pin broke (Big Chunk Missing from rear of Firing Pin) and my bolt had whats called Volcanoeing which it never had prior to installation. When i removed the firing pin i also noticed that the return spring already lost its spring tension after only 200rds. i highly recommend that you just maintain your rifle properly..................just a tip to Murray's, the hammer does not hit the rear of the firing pin square, it hits at a angle, take a look at a factory SKS firng pin and you'll see what i mean THANKS
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No More Slam Fire 13.01.2013
Made an unsafe sks useable. After repeated cleaning and servicing, rifle would still occasionly slam fire. Installed this enhanced firing pin and solved the problem. I could not be happier
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Great 10.12.2012
Super easy instal. fixed problems of popped primers for me. Super fast shipping.
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Great SKS Part 18.08.2012
This ia a must do fix on all SKS rifles, in my opinion.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Maybe not a permanent solution 18.06.2012
Worked great for about 600 rounds, then the head of the firing pin broke off inside the rifle.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Agreed, absolute superiority 22.02.2012
My friends yugo failed to fire multiple times at the range. So, he sold it to me as junk. I havent tested it too mutch yet, but it is a drasticly better design. when you see it you will know it will solve the problem, forever.
Sehr empfehlenswert
A must have 09.02.2012
this is a very easy fix to a potentially deadly situation. I have only had my SKS about a month and found out about slam fires while doing general research. It only take a few minutes to make this fix and make yourself and others safe.
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Takes the danger out of SLAM FIRES 05.01.2012
After haveing a slamfire in my sks I did some searching on the internet. This firing pin is easy to install and works with my Yugo with no problems. With thousand of rounds before and hundreds after the only diffrence is that I KNOW there will NEVER be another slam fire with my gun. Don't wait for a slam fire to happen before you get one of these. get one now and avoid an accident.
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High Quality Part 08.12.2011
This is a well-engineered replacement firing pin for SKS rifles and will prevent dangerous "slam-fires". The most difficult part in the replacement process is driving the retaining pin out of the bolt. Once the retaining pin is out, the old firing pin will just slide out of the bolt and the new one drops right in. Make sure to push in on the rear of the new firing pin when re-installing the retaining pin in the bolt because the new firing pin is spring loaded. It took me all of 20 minutes to install my new SKS firing pin.
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Must Have 02.07.2011
This should be on every SKS, a must have safety feature. thank you Brownells and Ben Murray!
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Just what the doctor ordered 25.04.2011
Bought a yugo sks and it would dent the primers but no bang.Very bad situation to be in.Ordered one of these firing pin kits and it worked perfectly.........Very pleased.
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Expensive, but very worth the money. 25.03.2011
Very well made part - hard, straight, and works as advertised. It's hard to spend [$] on a hundred dollar rifle, but this is worth the money in both safety and reliability. Be sure to check the firing pin hole for a burr that will cause blown primers. Murray's has a page on this on their website - take a look and avoid frustration and damage from blown primers. This mod is needed on any SKS with a floating firing pin. Once you've had a slam-fire or had the gun go full auto and dump the entire magazine, you'll wish you had done this sooner.
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Murray's is the best 22.08.2010
I have this item and several other from Murray's. Highly Recommend.
Sehr empfehlenswert
sks firing pin 26.01.2010
my sks was unsafe with the old firing pin. the new pin installs very simple works great.will be using this gun more
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Verbessere dein SKS-Gewehr mit dem hochwertigen SKS ENHANCED FIRING PIN von MURRAYS! ✨ Für mehr Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit beim Schiessen.
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Dieses Produkt unterliegt der Aufsicht der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und ist ausschliesslich für den Export in das Bestimmungsland zur Verwendung durch den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbraucher, der beim Kauf festgelegt wird, bestimmt. Dieses Produkt darf ohne vorherige Erlaubnis der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder einer autorisierten US-Behörde über den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbrauchers hinaus nicht wiederverkauft, übertragen, oder in einer anderen Weise in Drittländer oder an Dritte überlassen werden. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn die Artikel verbaut bzw. in einen anderen Artikel integriert wurde.
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Der BEV-Block ist ein kompaktes Werkzeug für AR Montagevorgänge und bietet Unterstützung für Billet und geschmiedete obere Empfänger.
Er verwendet feste Stahl Kupferkabelschuhe und hat eine optimierte Stahl Härte für Haltbarkeit, ohne die Fass-Erweiterung zu beschädigen.
Der Block kann umgedreht werden, um als Mag gut Schraubstock Block für die unteren Empfänger während der Wartung zu dienen.
Entfernt Blei und toxische Schwermetalle von Haut und Oberflächen ohne aggressive Chemikalien.
Ideal nach dem Umgang mit Feuerwaffen und entfernt auch Schmutz und Keime.
Sicher in der Anwendung für die ganze Familie, einschliesslich Kinder.