- Art: -
- Griff: -
- Modell: Universal Handguns
- Waffentyp: Smith & Wesson
- Versandgewicht: 0.018kg
- Versandbreite: 83mm
- Versandlänge: 146mm
- UPC: 050806008120
Artikel-Nr.: 080088005
050806008120 Kurzer Schaft, kompakter Clip-Spitzengriff MAGNA-TIP® mit drei speziellen Bits für S&W Strain, Windage, Side Plate und Sichtbefestigungsschrauben. Bietet hervorragende Kontrolle.Fast and furious 25.02.2016
Amazed at how fast these got to me. Less than two days. Very good.
Perfect set of points for what I need which is adjusting sites, removing screws from the side plates and trying different stocks for my revolvers.
An excellent product.
They got here fast and I used them furiously.
This is Not a hollow handle. 05.02.2014
Received this product on time. All screwdriver bits fit my K frame fine. The handle is functional. However, the handle is not hollow, contrary to the online description. It is a short, law enforcement handle, but you cannot store the 3 bits included inside the handle. That will cost you more money. Somewhat deceptive, Brownell's, but not worth arguing about. Maybe I misunderstood the description.
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