Developed by the gunsmithing students at Yavapai College. Solid aluminum, milling-vise fixture securely holds all models of 1911 Auto slides in four different positions for more precise milling of low-mount sight dovetails, extractor rollover cuts, front cocking serrations, French side cuts, ejection port lowering, 1° comp cuts plus, it makes a convenient, easy-to-hold handle for power-sanding and polishing.
SPECS: Aluminum. 5¾" (14.6cm) long, 2" (10cm) wide, 1 lb. 10 oz. (759g) wt. Includes complete instructions.
Entwickelt von den Gunsmithing-Studenten am Yavapai College. Solides Aluminium, die Fräsvorrichtung hält alle Modelle der 1911 Auto Slides in vier verschiedenen Positionen für präziseres Fräsen von Low-Mount Sight Dovetails, Extractor Rollover Cuts, Front Cocking Serrations, French Side Cuts, Ejection Port Senkung, 1° Comp Cuts und bietet zudem einen praktischen, leicht zu haltenden Griff für das Power-Sanding und Polieren.
SPECS: Aluminium. 5¾" (14,6 cm) lang, 2" (10 cm) breit, 1 lb. 10 oz. (759 g) Gewicht. Enthält vollständige Anleitungen.