Entdecke das REMINGTON 7400 10RD MAGAZINE für .30-06 Springfield! ✨ Langlebig, zuverlässig und perfekt für dein Schiessen. Weniger Nachladen, mehr Spass!
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Das Hochkapazitätsmagazin fasst 10 Patronen, sodass du weniger nachladen musst.
Der faltbare Blattfeder und der Nylon-Follower sorgen für eine zuverlässige Zuführung.
Erhältlich für die Modelle Remington 740, 742, 750 und 7400 in .30-06 und .308.
Action Type:Semi-Auto
Patrone:30-06 Springfield
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Action Type: Semi-Auto
Aufnahmevermögen: 10-Round
Finish: Black
Hersteller/Modell: Remington
Material: Steel
Modell: 7400
Patrone: 30-06 Springfield
Menge: 1
49.9CHFCHF 49.90
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Artikel-Nr.: 486000002
Herst.-Nr.: 979M
730745000491 Das langlebige Hochkapazitätsmagazin bietet eine lange Lebensdauer und fasst zehn Patronen, sodass du beim Schiessen mit deiner Remington 740, 742, 750 oder 7400 weniger nachladen musst. Der faltbare Blattfeder und der Nylon-Follower sorgen für eine zuverlässige Zuführung. Erhältlich in .30-06 und .308.
More Rounds Than Factory Magazine All-Steel Body Gives Rigidity
Durable high-capacity magazine provides a long service life and holds ten rounds for fewer reloads when shooting your Remington 740, 742, 750, or 7400. Folding, leaf spring and nylon follower ensure reliable feeding. Available in .30-06 and .308.
Mehr Patronen als das Werkspaket - Vollstahlkörper sorgt für Stabilität
Das langlebige Hochkapazitätsmagazin bietet eine lange Lebensdauer und fasst zehn Patronen, sodass du beim Schiessen mit deiner Remington 740, 742, 750 oder 7400 weniger nachladen musst. Der faltbare Blattfeder und der Nylon-Follower sorgen für eine zuverlässige Zuführung. Erhältlich in .30-06 und .308.
Das Hochkapazitätsmagazin fasst 10 Patronen, sodass du weniger nachladen musst.
Der faltbare Blattfeder und der Nylon-Follower sorgen für eine zuverlässige Zuführung.
Erhältlich für die Modelle Remington 740, 742, 750 und 7400 in .30-06 und .308.
Action Type:Semi-Auto
Patrone:30-06 Springfield
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Kundenbewertungen (16)
2.9 / 5
Bedingt empfehlenswert
Not bad but needs improvement 12.08.2018
I had purchased mine and was stoked to get it but first day at the range and it jammed on every round. I did figure out why, it seems the indents in the side of it were to far forward to assist the round into the feed ramps on my 7400, I was able to get some durable epoxy to stick and made a spot on each side to assist the rounds. The quality seems pretty good, put together well just the slight tweaks and it would be a 5 star. Other then the slight issue it works pretty good and fits pretty well but hope who ever makes them can see these and make the proper improvements to make it a great magazine.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Puts bullets in my gun 09.03.2018
Shipping was a little on the slower side for standard shipping but I was in no rush to get it anyway but it does what a clip is supposed to I put it in my gun and it gave my gun bullets with no jams so there is nothing to complain about
Nicht empfehlenswert
Trash 01.03.2018
The bolt won't cycle if there's more than one round in the mag, won't take more than 5 rounds, the mag takes a lot of force to go into the well which means it doesn't fit.. Also, there's no bolt release on it. I don't know whether to return them or just throw them away because I know it's my civic duty.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Doesn't worn in Model 742 28.07.2016
These mags don't load, seat & cause the bolt to jam in Remington Model 742. None of the 7400 series mags seem to fit, load or properly operate either. Keep looking for actual Remington 742 mags otherwise you're just waisting time & money.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Very reliable 11.02.2016
I had a very hard time finding spare or aftermarket magazines for my 7400, either standard or high capacity. It can be a pain at the range to constantly stop shooting and reloading a single four round magazine. It's hard to relax and enjoy what you're doing when you need to constantly stop and reset everything. I was happy to finally find one at Brownells. I ordered two of the ten round magazines, and I love them both. They both work perfectly, and they fit and function more smoothly than the original. Reading the other reviews, it seems that people either love them or hate them. It could be that they have some quality control issues, and I might have caught them on a good day. It's possible they only work well in the 7400 / 7600 models, or maybe just in mine. All I can offer an opinion on are the ones I received, and I'm firmly in the "love them" group. I'll be ordering a couple more as soon as they're back in stock.
Nicht empfehlenswert
7400 rifle 11.11.2014
Bought this for a REM 7400 the clip holds the shell down to long and jams every time. The indents on the side of the clip that raise the bullet is to far forward about a 3/16 in. compared to the clip I use a 280. Might work with bullets that have a very short nose on them or other models.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Poor Quality Magazines 16.09.2014
Recently bought two of these 10 round magazines for my 30-06.
I first time I put the rounds into one of them,the bottom cap came off, the spring flew out and the rounds ended up on the turf. Was pretty embarrassed at the range..The other magazine that does work is exceptionally tight fitting and difficult to get out of the gun..Not happy at all about this purchase
Tony Magazzi
Nicht empfehlenswert
will not chamber 3 rounds in a row. 03.10.2012
I have cleaned my rifle, also cleaned both of my 4 and 10 round mags. My rifle shot fine with the 4 round mag, but it would not shoot 3 times in a row with the 10 round mag. It even broke to tip off of 1 of my Ballistic Tip bulletswith the 10 round mag in, the action feels slower like it is dragging. Putting both clips aft end towards each other you can see the original mag is a mil or 2 wider at the feed point. Perhaps thats the problem? Maybe it can be bent?
Sehr empfehlenswert
Good buy. 29.06.2012
Good buy. ran 50 rounds through it in one session, no misfeeds, worked like a champ.
Nicht empfehlenswert
not again 19.01.2012
bought 2 for 742 30-06, fowler poped out, no front tabs to hold fowler in, sides misscut, sides not bent in at a proper curve to hold rounds, not worth the postage to return to triple k
Triple K Version is generally good 27.11.2011
I use it in my 742, 30-06. I initially found that it bound my bolt. I needed to take it to the grinding wheel (Dremmel) to match my original Remington clip. A few strokes with the grinder and now it feeds properly.
I would recommend it.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Not perfect. 12.09.2011
I bought 2 of these for my remington 7400 to use at the gun range, the quality is ok but not as good as factory. It needs a little manhandling to get it fully seated into the rifle. I would've like to seen all metal used in the construction (the follower is plastic and has alot of play front to back) The biggest problem I have with it is that it holds the bullets down too long and they mash into the bottom of the feed ramp causing a jam and deformed bullit tips.
Sehr empfehlenswert
979M REM 7400 10rd magazine 28.05.2011
I was glad of purchase I made from Italy, so that my friends who have also a Remington 7400 luxury carbine .30-06 I prayed for them to buy the magazine from 10 shots.
Works well in 7600 10.07.2010
The lack of bolt hold open is a non-issue in the Remington 7600. My particular magazine had a rough start with some extra metal that caught on case mouths as they were fed, but 30 seconds with a Dremmel tool solved that nicely. I traced the contour from the front of a factory mag onto this one and ground to match. Too bad Triple-K didn't do the same at the factory. After cleaning up the front of the magazine I've had no further problems. The spring holds tension well when left loaded. My example has remained loaded for the last 6 years and still feeds rounds as fast as I can shuck the action.
Awesome Purchase 22.06.2010
This is an awesome addition to my Model 742 and let me tell you, I feel much more comftorable in the woods hunting hogs than with the stock 4 round clip. I fired off 20 rounds in each of the two clips that I purchased and both fired and loaded flawlessly. The one draw back is that I have to hold the action open when I insert the clip in order for it to be fully inserted. Not a big deal for me and I would buy this product again and again.
does the job 21.04.2010
bought for my rem750 in .270 win. ammo loads well, mag fits like a dream and no problems with jams, ftf, etc up to this point. numbers don't lie, 10>4, hope to be using these for a while
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Entdecke das REMINGTON 7400 10RD MAGAZINE für .30-06 Springfield! ✨ Langlebig, zuverlässig und perfekt für dein Schiessen. Weniger Nachladen, mehr Spass!
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Füge eine einteilige Picatinny-Schiene hinzu, ganz ohne Bohren oder Gewindeschneiden.
Die Heavy Duty Montagen sind .100" niedriger als die Lightweight Montagen, was die Genauigkeit verbessert.
Enthält Innensechskantschrauben und einen Schlüssel; EGW empfiehlt ein Drehmoment von 20 Zoll-Pfund.
Der SPEEDLOADER ermöglicht eine schnelle Nachladegeschwindigkeit und sicheren Transport von .44 Patronen.
Einfach zu bedienen: Drehe den Knopf, setze die Patronen ein und verriegle sie mit einem weiteren Dreh.
Robuster Kunststoffkörper und ein geriffelter Aluminiumknopf sorgen für Zuverlässigkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit.
Der Konversionszylinder verwandelt deinen Stahlrahmen-Perkussionsrevolver in eine moderne Zentralfeuerwaffe.
Er ist einfach zu installieren und benötigt keinen FFL für den Kauf.
Verwende nur 'Cowboy'-Ladungen mit einer maximalen Geschwindigkeit von 750 bis 800 ft. pro Sekunde.
Der UpLula Magazinlader ermöglicht schnelles und schmerzfreies Laden von Pistolenmagazinen, bis zu einer Patrone pro Sekunde.
Er reduziert den Verschleiss an den Zuführlippen und verlängert die Lebensdauer des Magazins.
Passt für eine Vielzahl von Einzel- und Doppelstapelmagazinen, einschliesslich 9mm, .40 S&W und .45 ACP.
Der Lyman Magnum Inertia Bullet Puller hat ein neues Kopfdesign, das für verschiedene Hülsen geeignet ist.
Er entfernt sicher ein Projektil aus einer geladenen Patrone, ohne die Hülse oder das Geschoss zu beschädigen.
Der geformte Griff mit Gummieinsatz sorgt für einen komfortablen und sicheren Halt.