- Dimensioni: 16 oz
- Peso della spedizione: 0.499kg
- Altezza di spedizione: 97mm
- Larghezza di spedizione: 84mm
- Lunghezza di spedizione: 84mm
- UPC: 089215704316
Prezzi comprensivi di IVA più spedizione
N. prodotto: 311130014
N. fab.: L0043-004
089215704316 Selezionato dall'esercito statunitense per lubrificare i fucili M1 Garand e M14. Una miscela impermeabile che ha una forte affinità per il metallo, quindi rimane in posizione in tutte le condizioni atmosferiche.Great stuff 16.12.2013
Amazing product,stays where you put, best lube I have ever used in rainy conditions. I have been using it on my Grands, M14, M16, Aks etc for years and I have never had a single malfunction. The only disadvantage is its realtively low flash Point ( mostly ar s),when you put it on the cam pin it might burn off. As I am shooting competition it doesn`t bother me. I have shot up to 20000 rounds with 2 match ars using nothing but lubriplate and the receiver and bolt carrier group are still in excellent condition ,the barrel not so much, so much about "don t use it it is old stuff, you won t go to a dentist that uses 1930s tech." For combat Shooting I would use something with more heat resistance
Great lube for all guns. 18.06.2011
Great lube, works well on all cal.guns. Make sure you place lube only where it is recomended. A little goes a long way. Use a small brush to apply it, don't use q-tips.
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