Scopri i caricatori Chip McCormick per 1911! ✨ Capacità di 8 colpi, progettati per prestazioni superiori e facilità d'uso.
Cartuccia:45 Aua (ACP)
Tipo di arma:1911
Peso della spedizione:0.045kg
Altezza di spedizione:15mm
Larghezza di spedizione:74mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:218mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.x
Adatto per: 1911
Capacità: 8-colpi
Cartuccia: 45 Aua (ACP)
Finitura: Nero
Materiale: Acciaio
Modello: Government, Commander
Quantità: 1
39.9CHFCHF 39.90
Prezzi comprensivi di IVA più spedizione
N. prodotto: 207000006
N. fab.: MCL45FS8B
705263143104 Progettato dal campione di tiro Chip McCormick con il suo esclusivo follower piatto per offrire maggiore capacità. Tutti presentano una base fissa forata per un'installazione facile del pad. Tutte le molle sono di Wolff.
In arretrato, tempi di consegna circa 4-12 settimane dal magazzino negli Stati Uniti.
In arretrato, tempi di consegna circa 4-12 settimane dal magazzino negli Stati Uniti.
Designed by champion shooter Chip McCormick with his unique, flat follower to give more capacity. All feature a fixed base that's drilled for easy pad installation. All springs are by Wolff.
Capacità Extra & Alimentazione Affidabile
Progettato dal campione di tiro Chip McCormick con il suo esclusivo follower piatto per offrire maggiore capacità. Tutti presentano una base fissa forata per un'installazione facile del pad. Tutte le molle sono di Wolff.
Cartuccia:45 Aua (ACP)
Tipo di arma:1911
Peso della spedizione:0.045kg
Altezza di spedizione:15mm
Larghezza di spedizione:74mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:218mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.x
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (18)
4.3 / 5
Assolutamente raccomandato
Good Value Great Function 13.07.2016
These are my standard magazines for my 1911s; they are a good price so I stocked up on them for my first tactical pistol class and have depended on them ever since. They function very well in both my Kimber and Springfield and are sturdy to boot. One added bonus is that the base pad (which you have to install, no sweat) provides a little extra length so that I can easily lock the magazine in my Kimber even though it has a mag extension on it.
Assolutamente raccomandato
the mag to carry 15.07.2014
My mag - 8 rounds - it works - and it fits flush!
Assolutamente raccomandato
Consistency & Value 05.04.2013
For the money, you absolutely can not beat Chip McCormick Shooting Star magazines. Consistent feeding and function in a wide variety of pistols, and at this price, you can afford to stock up.
Assolutamente raccomandato
One of the finest 1911 mags available 28.01.2013
Back in the early days of IPSC and practical shooting let alone Law Enforcement and military use, there were few options for great magazines. When Chip came out with this mag, many of us jumped on them. I've used them since day one and swear by them. Just keep them reasonably clean and you'll never had a problem with them. I've never wore one out in all the years I have been using them. that equates to hundreds of thousands of rounds mainly on the west coast, but also on the east coast.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Great magazine. 27.01.2013
I've been using these mags in my Springfields and colts for 20 years. For the money, they are simply the best. Trust my life to'em. Just ordered a couple more for my brother for his birthday, good to know he can rely on them also.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Great Mags 01.05.2012
these Mags are the only mags I use in my 1911A1. Even with these being the "low end" of the McCormick line. they function flawlessly and you can always find the pads at a local gun dealer. I have no reason to switch to any other mags because these work just fine thank you very much !!!
Più o meno raccomandato
Don't live up to McCormick name 03.03.2012
Chip McCormick mags have a reputation with everyone I know for working well. I ordered two of these magazines for my Les Baer. Bottom line is the mags don't feed FMJ ammo properly. I've had problems with continuous failures to feed/double feeds. The follower comes too far forward on the last round, and I have to pry the magazine out of the gun. I lined these mags up against Wilson and Baer mags - the McCormicks are a different angle, more "nose forward" by thousandths of an inch. If you have a gun which is tightly manufactured these mags probably aren't for you. They would probably work just fine in a Colt or Springfield though (I've had both Colts and Springfields).
Assolutamente raccomandato
works like a .45 20.02.2012
I don't like pad - this fits flush with eight rounds. own twemty - only brand I buy.
I bet my life on it!
Assolutamente raccomandato
works like a .45 18.02.2012
I like eight rounds. I do not like butpads. these fit flush, work great, and cost less. only brand I buy - you can bet your life!
Assolutamente raccomandato
Good mag for a tight gun 05.02.2012
I have a custom built tactical 1911 in which EVERYTHING was hand fit. All quality parts, no cast or MIM. Had some Colt Gov't. mags which did not fit, so I tried these and Kimber which I also had on hand, both worked beautifully. Ran a box of ammo through the gun and all 4 mags without one hiccup. If you spend the money on a nice 1911, don't cheap out on mags. Go with a quality name like McCormick, Wilson, Mec-Gar, or Kimber.
Non raccomandato
Nope 05.11.2011
I ordered two of these mags, McCormick has a good reputation with multiple 1911 shooters I know. I have tried these with 230 grain FMJ ammo, 185 JHP, 230 JHP - and with a Les Baer Thunder Ranch and Colt Commander. They don't feed consistently with either ball or JHP ammo. The followers come forward with the last round out of the mag, making it hard to pull the empty magazine out. I've read all the pre-requisites McCormick specified on the packaging - I'm using new ammo, not reloads and two quality pistols which feed just fine with Wilson and Baer magazines. There is something "off" about these McCormick mags, they just don't work.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Great magazines for the money 23.10.2011
I bought six of these to use in Wild Bunch competitions. My son and I shoot in the traditional class and use these in our low budget High Standard 1911. Some guys use gold cups and expensive guns and magazines and they have troubles...We have had NO problems with the magazines...they drop free and we are completely happy. We previously used cheep Triple K magazines...they were junk...the magazine is the heart of the gun..dont skimp.
Assolutamente raccomandato
great product 16.06.2011
They work for me 16.05.2011
Have used one blued and one stainless, 8 round. Used them in both a Remington 1911 R1 and a Kimber Target II. About 300 rounds thru each so far with no problems. Might rate higher, but don't know about the durability, yet.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Best Carry Mags 09.07.2010
Excellent magazines that have never given me issues. Great quality and value. Can't wait to order more...
Non raccomandato
disappointed with chip 27.01.2010
this mag is terrible, It falls out of gun on every firing. Upon closer inspection with a dial caliper, the original mag that came from Springfield Armory measured .5455 thickness at the catch slot, this mag measured.5390, so therefore it is to "sloppy" to make proper engagement of the mag catch, it also does not have an audible click sound that would announce proper locking.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Great Magazine 20.01.2010
Reliable feeding in a variety of 1911 pistols. We use in our "Wild Bunch" competition guns, with excellent results in all our pistols. No tuning of magazine to individual pistol required.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Great Magazine 01.11.2009
The Chip McCormick classic Shooting Star magazines are one of the best buys for the money. I have had no reliability issues with them and I own over a dozen of these magazines. I trust them enough to use them for day-to-day carry.
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Scopri i caricatori Chip McCormick per 1911! ✨ Capacità di 8 colpi, progettati per prestazioni superiori e facilità d'uso.
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Il set include un Dies di Dimensionamento a Lunghezza Completa in Carburo, un Dies di Sezionamento del Proiettile e un Dies di Espansione con Polvere.
I dies in carburo non richiedono lubrificante per la dimensione, semplificando il processo di ricarica.
Include anche un Portapatrone, un Misurino per Polvere e istruzioni dettagliate per il caricamento.
Il pad in gomma offre protezione da cadute e un'area di riposo per le dita.
Compatibile con tutti i caricatori Metalform 1911 Auto e si fissa senza modifiche.
Include viti in lamiera per un montaggio sicuro e preciso.
Caricatore compatto e leggero, ideale per velocità di ricarica e trasporto sicuro.
Facile da caricare con una semplice rotazione della manopola scanalata.
Realizzato in plastica nera ad alta resistenza con manopola e chiusura in alluminio.
Manico in acciaio ad alta resistenza con impugnatura zigrinata per un controllo preciso.
Punte intercambiabili in Nylon, Ottone e Alluminio per diverse applicazioni di punzonatura.
Set disponibile in diverse configurazioni, inclusi punte specifiche per fucili Remington.