The BCM Mil-Spec Receiver Extension is manufactured from 7075 T6 aluminum and given a hard coat anodized finish.
SPECS: Made in the USA and manufactured from high quality 7075 T6 aluminum.
L'estensione del ricevitore BCM Mil-Spec è realizzata in alluminio 7075 T6 e presenta una finitura anodizzata di alta qualità.
SPECIFICHE: Prodotto negli Stati Uniti e realizzato in alluminio 7075 T6 di alta qualità.
Tipo di arma:AR-15
Peso della spedizione:0.136kg
Altezza di spedizione:69mm
Larghezza di spedizione:99mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:234mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.y.1
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (2)
4 / 5
Assolutamente raccomandato
Excellent Buffer tube 09.08.2016
Top Quality Mil-spec Buffer Tube like everything BCM Makes - Fit and finish were excellent
Raccomandato con riserve
Not the quality part I was hoping for. 01.08.2015
There were no other reviews on this product so I visited BCM's website and read all the reviews there. I came back and ordered it through Brownell's. The reviews on the BCM site were all positive. Prior to this, I purchased an off brand buffer tube from a local dealer for $26. I got it home and was horrified when I opened the package and shined a light inside the tube at all the rough mill marks. I installed it anyway to get me by and because my dealer refused to take the part back. (never again will I buy anything from there) Anyway, the horrible surface of the inside of the no name tube made for an extremely unpleasant experience when the pulling the charging handle back. So, after my research, I ordered this BCM tube to replace the cheese grater tube. When the BCM tube arrived first thing I did was to shine a light into the tube and I was really disappointed because of all the rough mill marks on the inside of the tube. Secondly, only part of the inside of the tube was anodized. What a disappointment. Now, having said that, the outside of the tube was perfect and the stock fit onto the tube just the way it should. What I have noticed is that people leaving reviews about buffer tubes never talk about the fit and finish of the inside of the tube and that is just as important as the outside of the tube as the interior finish has a big impact on smooth cycling / charging of the firearm. I know there are perfect buffer tubes out there somewhere because I have one on another rifle but don't know who made the tube. I personally would not buy this BCM buffer tube again as it a premium price for a generic run of the mill buffer tube.
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Scopri l'estensione ricevitore BCM Mil-Spec per AR-15. Realizzata in alluminio 7075 T6, è resistente e di alta qualità. 🔧 Acquista ora!
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This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Meccanismo di bloccaggio a frizione per una sensazione solida durante l'uso.
Corpo in polimero nylon resistente agli urti e al calore, disponibile in diversi colori.
Regolazione della lunghezza di trazione rapida e comfort aumentato grazie al pad in gomma sintetica.
Design e funzionalità rivoluzionari con azione di "blading" rapida.
Realizzato in alluminio di grado aeronautico 7075, anodizzato secondo specifiche militari.
Compatibile con AR-15 e progettato per utenti ambidestri.
Rivestimento in Melonite per una resistenza extra al calore e alla corrosione.
Finitura nera opaca per migliorare il profilo tattico e ridurre i riflessi.
Include il perno di fissaggio e disponibile in diverse lunghezze.
Costruzione in polimero rinforzato con rivestimento in gomma per un migliore controllo dell'arma.
Angolo di presa verticale ottimizzato per configurazioni PDW e comfort su fucili a LOP corto.
Accetta nuclei di stoccaggio opzionali e include un tappo di base.