STEEL TAPS The Reiff & Nestor Company Steel Taps are precision-engineered tools designed for gunsmiths and firearm enthusiasts to create or repair internal threads in firearm components. Crafted from steel, these taps offer superior durability and maintain their hardness even under high temperatures, making them ideal for continuous use. These taps are available in various thread sizes and styles, including bottom, plug and taper taps which are essential for threading close to the bottom of blind holes. The steel construction ensures longevity and precise threading, accommodating a wide range of gunsmithing applications. Specifications: Material: Steel Tap Styles: Bottom Tap Plug Taper Thread Sizes Available: 8-40 10-32 3/16-32 3-56 6-40 7/32-40 1/4-28 1/4-30 1/4-22 Customer Insights: Users of the Reiff & Nestor Company Steel Taps appreciate their precision and durability. The high-speed steel construction allows for efficient threading without compromising the tool's integrity, making these taps a reliable choice for both professional gunsmiths and hobbyists. Incorporating the Reiff & Nestor Company Steel Taps into your gunsmithing toolkit ensures reliable and accurate threading, enhancing the quality and longevity of firearm components.
Nous fournissons nos tarauds en acier au carbone chaque fois que cela est possible. Si l'un d'eux se casse dans un trou, les restes peuvent être "brisés" avec un poinçon pour un retrait facile. Tous les chiffres dans le tableau sont indiqués comme Taille Nommée, Taille de Perçage du Taraud, Taille de Perçage de Dégagement.