- Cartuccia: 45-70 Government
- Matrice tipo: Neck Die Set
- Peso della spedizione: 0.505kg
- Altezza di spedizione: 30mm
- Larghezza di spedizione: 152mm
- Lunghezza di spedizione: 97mm
- UPC: 734307902643
Prezzi comprensivi di IVA più spedizione
N. prodotto: 430108697
N. fab.: 90264
734307902643 Il Lee Loader è un sistema completo di ricarica; il kit include tutto il necessario per ricaricare. Il kit comprende il Sizing Die, la Decapping Chamber, il Bullet Seater e la Priming Chamber, il Priming Rod, il Powder Measure, i dati di ricarica, una custodia in plastica e istruzioni complete. Richiede un martello o un mazzuolo in gomma, non inclusi.Excellent way to learn reloading! 10.09.2018
I bought this kit for my first attempt at reloading. I found that although it appeared that reloading was complicated and time-consuming, once I got into it, I thoroughly enjoyed the process. This kit is very easy to use when I follow the included instructions. As I became more familiar with it and loaded more ammo, it was more fun. I set up a system so that I wouldn't forget any of the steps (like forgetting to put powder in one shell!),and a small area in my shed so I wouldn't be bothered by the spouse and our pets. So far, I haven't found anything that I don't like about it. Several things items I have added to it are a caliper so I can judge the size of the case, a tool to clean out the primer area if needed, and a case tumbler. So, get one of these to match your caliber and let the fun begin!
Sehr sehr sehr langsame Lieferung 26.07.2016
Das Produkt ist bestimmt gut, die Lieferung dauert einfach dermassen lange, dass ich es nach 12 Tagen immer noch nicht habe. Keine Sendungsverfolgung. Sendungen werden nur am Freitag verwaltet? Hat der Filialeninhaber überhaupt Lust das Unternehmen zu betreiben? Ich hatte es Donnerstagabend bestellt, es wurde dann aber erst Freitag der darauffolgenden Woche versandt (es stand "an Lager"... ich gehe davon aus, dass sie das Produkt also an Lager haben). Jetzt ist es immer noch nicht hier, und ich gehe in die Ferien. B-Post?
Bei Amazon hätte ich den Lee Loader in 4 bis 5 Tagen gehabt, für dasselbe Geld. Ein sehr langsamer Service für das Jahr 2016.
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