#242 MEDIUM STRENGTH BLUE THREADLOCKER The LOCTITE® Medium Strength Blue #242 Threadlocker is a versatile adhesive designed to prevent threaded fasteners from loosening due to vibration, shock, or thermal expansion. Ideal for various gunsmithing applications, it secures trigger screws, pins, and prevents the loosening of scope mounts and rings on firearms with significant recoil. This threadlocker allows for disassembly with standard hand tools, facilitating maintenance and adjustments. Key Features: Medium Strength: Effectively secures fasteners while permitting disassembly with standard tools. Vibration and Shock Resistance: Maintains fastener integrity under dynamic conditions. Thermal Expansion Accommodation: Prevents loosening due to temperature variations. Specifications: Container Size: 10 mL (0.34 fl oz) bottle. Application: Suitable for fasteners up to ¾" in diameter. Incorporating the LOCTITE® Medium Strength Blue #242 Threadlocker into your firearm maintenance routine ensures components remain securely fastened during operation, enhancing reliability and performance.
SPECS: 10 mL (.3 oz.) net wt. bottle.
Empêche les vis à simple action et autres vis problématiques de se desserrer pendant le tir. Restaure les pièces usées à un ajustement d'origine. S'écoule et remplit un espace de 0,015" puis durcit en un solide résistant avec une force de 1400 psi. L'excès s'essuie facilement. Force moyenne - démontez avec des outils normaux.
SPECS : flacon de 10 mL (0,3 oz.) net.