Standard AR-15 charging handle, machined from aluminum. Features a matte black anodized finish.
Poignée de chargement standard AR-15, usinée en aluminium. Présente une finition anodisée noire mate.
Type d'arme:AR-15
Poids du colis:0.034kg
Hauteur d'expédition:6mm
Largeur d'expédition:51mm
Longueur d'expédition:165mm
Détails de l'article
Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.x
Avis des clients
Notes des clients (8)
3.1 / 5
Fortement recommandé
milspec caharging handle 27.09.2018
First one I received did not work. Way too tight. Called Brownells and they expidited one immediately. The second one fit and finish were excellent. Worked great. I would buy again.
Functional and Affordable 21.08.2018
Bought this just to use with a budget build, and was overall pleased with it's performance. Had no issues installing it, and no issues with function. There are other smoother handles out there, but this one is a nice, basic, functional handle for casual users.
Non recommandé
Out of spec, too tight 25.06.2018
Did not fit into mil spec upper, WAY too tight.
Recommandé, avec réserves
Basic handle, tight fit 27.05.2018
This is just your basic run-of-the-mill charging handle. Nothing wrong with that and a decent price too. But is fits poorly into any upper since it is super tight to get into the upper. It should install easily but you have to force it into the charging handle channel. Would be five stars if it would fit better.
Non recommandé
Not to Spec 17.04.2018
Did not fit a Colt, FN, or RRA upper.
Fortement recommandé
Pull Here To Start 19.11.2017
I've bought two so far. Great value the finish is tough and they drop right in. I Plan on buying more in the future.
Non recommandé
Did not fit properly. 10.03.2017
Received this for my retro build. The quality appeared good at first. However, When inserted into the rifle with the bolt the bolt/handle are almost impossible to move and when pulled back become stuck and must be tapped forward. I tried to replicate the issue with the same upper and bolt but different charging handle to ensure that nothing else was wrong but could not. The issue was only with the Brownells charging handle.
Fortement recommandé
Very Nice 08.02.2017
Got this for a budget build and was very impressed with how sturdy it is. I sanded down a portion of it so I can paint it blue to match other parts, and was amazed at how hard it was to remove the coating. For the can't go wrong.
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Découvrez la Poignée de Chargement AR-15 de BROWNELLS, en aluminium avec finition noire mate. 🔧 Améliorez votre expérience de tir !
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La poignée Magpul MOE offre une prise solide et sécurisée grâce à sa construction rigide en polymère renforcé.
Elle est facile à installer et compatible avec les cœurs de poignée Magpul MIAD.
Le design ergonomique protège ta paume lors de tirs prolongés, ce qui améliore le confort.
Le kit contient toutes les pièces nécessaires pour assembler votre récepteur inférieur AR-15.
Toutes les pièces sont fabriquées aux États-Unis avec des matériaux de haute qualité.
Facile à installer grâce à des composants comme la garde de détente en polymère et la poignée de pistolet en nylon renforcé.
Le kit comprend toutes les pièces nécessaires pour assembler ton récepteur supérieur AR15.
Inclus : Assemblage de l'assistance à l'éjection, ressort, goupille et couvercle du port d'éjection.
Fabriqué par AERO PRECISION, un leader dans les pièces AR-15.