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Découvrez le chargeur 1911 9RD 9MM de METALFORM. 💪 Durable et fiable, il assure un chargement constant pour votre pistolet 9mm.



Options disponibles:

Référence: 620000007
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39.9 CHF 0 CHF 39.90 *
Référence: 620000008
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59.9 CHF 0 CHF 59.90 *
0 0 2 CHF

Options disponibles:

Référence: 620000007
Non disponible
39.9 CHF 0 CHF 39.90 *
Référence: 620000008
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59.9 CHF 0 CHF 59.90 *


Afficher l'original (anglais)
Le chargeur à rampe avant assure un chargement fluide
Style Springfield, la rampe avant intégrée améliore l'alimentation des cartouches dans la chambre. Le suiveur plat assure un chargement constant pour tous les pistolets 1911 9mm. Tube en acier inoxydable avec une base soudée pour une durabilité accrue. Les modèles avec butoir offrent une protection supplémentaire pour le chargeur et un dégagement pour les puits de chargeur étendus. La capacité du chargeur pour le modèle standard est de 9 cartouches.

SPECS : Acier inoxydable, butoir en caoutchouc. Pour 9mm uniquement.

Points forts

  1. Chargeur de 9 cartouches compatible avec les pistolets 1911 9mm.
  2. Fabriqué en acier inoxydable pour une durabilité accrue.
  3. Le suiveur plat et la rampe avant intégrée améliorent l'alimentation des cartouches.


  • Calibre: 9 mm Luger
  • Capacité: 9-coups
  • Finition: Argent
  • Matériaux: Stainless Steel
  • Modèle: Commander,Government
  • Type d'arme: 1911
  • Poids du colis: 0.068kg
  • Hauteur d'expédition: 3mm
  • Largeur d'expédition: 74mm
  • Longueur d'expédition: 160mm

Détails de l'article

Fabriqué au USA
US export classification: 0A501.x

Avis des clients

Notes des clients (13)

3.5 / 5
Non recommandé

Brownells USA First one and last one. 27.11.2017

**Main problem : I need to make too much mods to make it work.

**Historic : I ordered 1x Metalform 1911 9mm magazine for my Springfield full size..

Directly out of the box, the magazine seems in good shape.

At the first loading up, I can't load it with more than 3 rounds.

The pusher-follower is moving inside the magazine and jam against internal wall.

**Details : Bad follower design : Flat top follower.

With flat-top follower, the round/ammo lateral positionning is unstable and the follower jam.

With more than 6 rounds, the first round on the follower is moving on the side and the follower move in the same direction.

Premium Wilson 500-9 and Mec-gar PI6070 have domed top follower, for more stability.

**Corrections :

Follower edge-rounding with a dremel tool.

Follower punching mark removal. (Smoother follower top)

Follower greasing.

Magazine spring top cutting for a better contact with the follower.

**Results :

Works correctly with 6 rounds and less.

More than 6 rounds, the follower jam all the time.

Recommandé, avec réserves

Brownells USA Can be made to work 17.09.2017

I bought two and, after tuning, I was able to get both to work properly eventually. Both fed properly from the start. Neither magazine would lock back the slide reliably, with the Rock Island 9mm slide catch, or either of the two Wilson Combat slide stops that I tried.

The tab on the magazine follower can be bent out so that the magazine will lock the slide open even with a .45ACP slide stop, but it took a lot of trial and error to get it just right. If you are going to try it, the tab on the follower should be out far enough to drag on the inside of the magazine tube, but not so far that you need 3 hands to get the 2nd round into the magazine..

Both of the magazines will hold 9 rounds, but one of the two is very difficult to load to full capacity for some reason.

As far as the feedramp at the front of the magazine goes, it probably doesn't hurt, but I don't think it really matters. My Rock Island G.I. model will not reliably or smoothly feed flatpoint or bullets with wide hollowpoints regardless of which magazine is used. With a factory-fresh follower or modified follower, it doesn't matter. Maybe with a ramped barrel, it might make a difference.

Although the base of the magazine is drilled for base pads, the holes are not tapped, and the self-tapping base pad screws are not hard or sharp enough to cut stainless steel. You will need the proper tap and a tap handle, and cutting fluid (Tap Majik) wouldn't hurt.

Unless you are married to the welded-base style of magazine, just buy the Chip McCormick 10-round 9mm magazines. The McCormick magazines work well without modification, disassemble easily, and don't need an additional magazine pad.


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